Chapter Twenty Three

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Ali's POV

I heard someone clear their throat behind me, and I quickly snapped out of my trance.

Crap, Ella.

I turned around, locking eyes with my ecstatic best friend.

"I'll leave you two alone, then..." she said with a smirk.

Niall chuckled beside me, slightly embarrassed.

"Text me later!" she mouthed.

I felt all the heat in my body rush to my cheeks as they burned red. I then felt Niall's arm snake low around my hips as he pulled me into his side, dropping his head until his lips brushed over my ear.

"Let's go get ready," he whispered, kissing right below my ear. "I'm taking you out for real."


I ran home quickly and grabbed a duffle bag full of clothes and things to keep and Niall's since I figured I would be spending most of my time there from now on. I threw in bras and underwear, jeans, sweaters, yoga pants, and fuzzy socks since the weather was getting colder. I was contemplating throwing in a few hoodies, but Niall's are better anyway.

I rummaged through my closet trying to find the perfect outfit for tonight. I know he was only taking me to that 50's diner, but I still wanted to look nice.

After holding up outfit after outfit in the mirror, I finally decided on my off-the-shoulder cream-colored sweater, my dark-wash jeans and my suede cranberry boots. Casual, but nice and wintery and the same time. Perfect.

I threw them in my bag as well and I was thankful I had already brought all my beauty supplies to Niall's because I had no more room in the duffle. I groaned as I lifted up the heavy bag, the weight being much more of a burden than I had expected. I dragged it down the stairs, tripping over my own feet as I finally made it to the front door.

I glanced around the living room and a little farther into the kitchen, silently saying goodbye to the house that would remain deserted for god knows how long, if my mess of a father ever decided to return from god knows where.

But honestly, I wasn't complaining.


I opened up Niall's front door and dragged my duffle up his stairs, annoyed to find that this task was slightly more difficult than dragging it down my own. I sighed when I reached the top, plopping it down in Niall's room. But, he wasn't there.

"Ni?" I called, unsure of where he may have disappeared to.

I waited for a response, but understood once I noticed the soft sound of water running. I smirked to myself when I realized he was in the shower, and I quickly ran towards the bathroom. I pressed my ear to the door, smiling to myself as I heard his voice echo through the walls. He was singing Fall.

My heart began to react the same way it did a little over a week ago when he sang the same song and saved my life: the hard pounding and erratic beats thumping in my chest. A mix of excitement, nerves and overwhelming happiness. At that moment days ago, I couldn't pinpoint the emotion I was feeling as the meaningful lyrics filled my ears. But right now, I could.

It erupted in my mind and exploded in my heart, running through my veins and igniting each and every nerve in my body. It consumed me, and for the first time in a long time, the most powerful emotion in my body was a positive one.

And right now, I could finally pinpoint that emotion.

It was love.

I knocked on the door before pushing the handle open, smiling as I saw Niall pop his head out of the shower curtain.

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