Announcement of Scores

87 10 13

First of, I want to thank our lovely judges because even though that some of them are busy, they still have time to judge everyone's works. So thank you again. ^_^

And to the contestants of this contest, I want to congratulate you. :) Well, some of you. But still! It means that you have proven that, even if your an amateur or not, you still did your best on passing your work. Also, I want to thank you guys for being cooperative. 

For the next round, I might post it tomorrow. Please be advised that, in the next round, there are new rules and regulations. Thank you!

So here are your score. And I'm really sorry cause I couldn't make the ranks right now, but I promise that, in the next round you'll see your ranks. 


Creativity; 7%

Explanation; 35%

Cleanliness; 7%

Uniqueness; 28%

Votes received; 2.5 

Total; 79.5                         (Sad to say, but you didn't make it to the next round. Sorry.)


Creativity; 0%

Explanation; 0%

Cleanliness; 0%

Uniqueness; 0%

Votes received; 3

Total; 3                                    (Sad to say, but you didn't make it to the next round. Sorry.)


Creativity; 8%

Explanation;36 %

Cleanliness; 8%

Uniqueness; 30%

Votes received; 2.5

Total; 84.5                              (Congratulations! You passed the round one!)


Creativity; 8%

Explanation; 35%

Cleanliness; 8%

Uniqueness; 33%

Votes received; 2

Total; 86                                  (Congratulations! You passed the round one!)


 Creativity; 9%

Explanation; 38%

Cleanliness; 9%

Uniqueness; 33%

Votes received; 1

Deduction of 5% Because of using Bebas font.

Ordinary Graphic ContestTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon