Announcement of R3 scores

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First of all, I want to say sorry, 'cause I should have updated this on Wednesday. But due to my busy schedule, (Curse time-management) it took me like what? Saturday just to have a free time.

Second, I want to thank all of you. I mean, seriously, without you guys, this book/contest will be a piece of junk if none of you have passed your entries.

Third and lastly, thank you for respecting me and the other's as well. I don't want to be crappy, but eh. I'm just overwhelmed with joy.

In this scores, I will put all my thoughts about your cover and then I'll try (I mean literally try since all of you are great) making your ranks.

First: HagitKit

I'm really grateful that you've passed your entry early. Thank you. ^^

At first, your entry (cover) did look sci-fi, and hey I love Japanese (esp. Manga's). Your explanation says it all. On how you made the cover base on Sci-fi, it doesn't look sci-fi. I mean, the title says it all about sci-fi , but base on the looks on how the cover went, it doesn't fit. Plus, it didn't have that sci-fi slash horror theme. It's more on sci-fi.

Congrats and thank you though.

Second: Mistakenlylovingyou

At first, I was hesitating that the entry that you've passed was posted on facebook (clearly, it was actually posted) I was kinda disappointed. I mean, if I were to pass my entry, I would not use my old graphic/s to be my entry. Yes, we/I can use psd's but those are just colorings that I/we tried/lack in doing.

Congrats and thank you though.

Third: -quintessence

Your cover/entry has a lot of horror into it. ;-; I'm currently sulking right now, 'cause I'm not great with horror, nor sci-fi. Base on your explanation, Minah was said to be a dangerous experiment, and after I reed your explanation, I was really in an awe of your entry.  When you said 'wires' I tried looking at Minah to find it, but nope. But then again, I looked at the background, there it is. (lol)

Congrats and thank you though.

Fourth: black_lala

Your artwork kinda looks like lance-senpai's artwork. (I meant the coloring) I was clearly shock about the green and red were just smoke. I mean, those look like colorings (just adjusting some colors like that.) And overall, wow. It did look sci-fi and a little bit of horror. The title, I don't know if it's because of the smoke or what, but it was like unclearly seen.

Congrats and thank you though.

Fifth: ustinx

Your explanation, wow. Just wow. I mean, when you said you used Rila, to make her bald- you used clone stamp. Then the right one, I really thought that you were the one that made that blood on her mouth, but then again, you said it wasn't you. What I didn't really believe is that her neck still looked like a messed up blood.(Dried blood or whatever) Then I was shock cause you made a plot then you made your entry a poster. Just wow. No words can explain that your entry is fantastic. [; le dance wow fantastic baby

Congrats and thank you though.

So you hade read my thoughts and some junks. And now the final ranks. For me, it was really hard to make decisions on who will win the champion and so on. All of you did your best, and I want to thank you for that.

So here it is:

Note: If your username/name are not here, then that means that you are not part of the winners. But still, you will get a prize for joining.

Third runner up: HagitKit

Second runner up: black_lala

First runner up: -quintessence

Champion: uStinx

This was not easy for me. I judged based on your explanation, on how'd you made your entry.

The prizes will be posted on the comment box. And those prizes have passwords, so if you want to download it think again. Those prizes are for the runner up's. And if your not one of the runner up's, you still have a prize. Just comment down and I'll PM it to you. Thank you

How to get the passwords? Just comment down and I'll PM you. :)

And congratulations to ustinx ! :D First of, please PM (or comment down) the PNG/s that you want. (So that I can make it now.) (i.g Artist or Bands) Second, about the book, I'm still not sure about since I'm really busy about school.

Again, Congrats to all of you! :D Sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2016 ⏰

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