alcoholic phrases

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'I grabbed a bottle of whiskey out of my fridge'
is whiskey even kept in a fridge

'I use alcohol to deal with my problems'
okay this is actually not a safe coping method

'alcohol made me forget everything'
no wonder you're failing school fam

'I was drunk after the first sip'
who the fuck is mixing your drinks

'it burned like fire as it slid down my throat'
so light em up up up light em up up up light em up up up I'm on fiYAHHHH

'my parents let me go out to parties and drink'
have you met parents

'I had never been a lightweight'
everyone's been a lightweight at one point fam

'it was a Tuesday night in winter when I got really drunk'
bitch school

'I drank my 483829283 shot'
shots shots shots

'my friends helped me to the car in all seriousness'
ditch those friends real friends would be too busy recording u stumbling to the car and laughing their asses off to help you

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