silly homophobes

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I always laugh so hard when homophobes say something like "you're redefining marriage!!!1!!!11!!
Like how self righteous and idiotic must you be to think that the entire concept of joining two people in love revolves around you. Marriage was never even Christianity's to define. Even if it was, so much has changed since when marriage was first practiced. How old-fashioned and narrow-minded are you to think that nothing is ever going to change?

"bUt GOd deFINed iT!1!1!!1!1!"
cool I genuinely don't give a single fuck. The Bible is so old, and was written by men. You don't think for one single moment that none of them twisted the words to their own accord? From what I've read of the bible, if God and jesus really existed, they would be in favor of it. There are far more passages about loving and accepting everyone (by everyone I'm including queers, because they are - you know - people. Might be a bit bizarre to homophobes tho) than homosexuality.

"Hate the sin love the sinner"
If you say this there is a 37838273% chance I'm going to hit you with a chair. You cannot love a person if you hate how they live. Being queer is a part of the person, it's not some separate thing we draw on whenever we feel like. It's not this individual thing that's extremely separate from us. If you hate someone being lgbtq+, you hate a whole part of them. You hate them. Hating the sin, but loving the one who practices it is not a thing. Stop disguising your disgusting hate in love.

"If everyone is gay then no one will be able to produce and we'll all die"
1. Our planet is over populated fam
2. Scientists have discovered a way for women to reproduce from bone marrow of another woman. The child can only be female. So technically, as long as people with vaginas are here, we're good.
3. Bisexuals polysexuals pansexuals and every other multi-gender sexuality out there you saggy excuse for a sack of blood and water
4. we're gonna go extinct if you keep killing everyone too fam
5. This is one of the worst arguments ever
6. Ew

"Queers kids are more likely to be bullied and commit suicide"
??????how is that our fault?????¿¿¿¿¿ you raise your kids to hate us??¿¿??¿? it's not our fault that people pick on us????? I don't under???¿¿¿stand¿¿¿¿¿¿

"Having gays in public will only make kids gay"
Look at all those heterosexuals I have met that didn't influence this bisexual bitch

"Gays go to hell!!!!!"
So do people who wear cotton eat shrimp and work on Sundays
*Gerard way voice* mama we all go to hell.
But seriously I don't care.
See you there fam
*mic drop*

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