Living with the Witch

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Mature content. Cuss words, abuse, and sexual harassment ahead. you have been warned.

That pic is Autumn Just letting u know 


"Get up you lazy fuck!" My mothers voice booms within the small room.

She continues to grab my hair and pull me forcefully out of the bed. Her cold hands pry me off my bed. My eyes open and dare to look at the clock.

"It's 4:05. I knew you would sleep in you slut. What did you party all last night?"

He matted down blond hair and oily skin. She knows I was home cleaning from her party rather than going to mine.  She lifts her foot and kicks me hard in the stomach. My lungs collapse and I stand up hunch up. 

"I'm up." I tell her. 

I stand up to face her. My mom. Ha not much of a mom. My father left us because of my moms drinking problem but she though it was because I had special abilities. She glares at me. Her brown hair in pink curlers. She is wearing a pink robe and her boobs are pushing up against the e soft fabric making her nipple show through the robe. She just got plastic surgery with the money that I made last 2 years. Her reasoning being that she owns me and I owe her because she didn't kick me out.

"Go get your chores done and make me breakfast. Or your not going to school."

I nod as she leaves the closet size room. I put on some old skinny jeans and a simple long sleeve top that I have had for years. Grabbing my apron I get to work. First, I sweep the whole three story house. I then wash all of the stairs till I can see my reflection. Washing the toilets and dishes comes next. After that I quickly make my Mom eggs, waffles, and a large milkshake. That is what she asks me every time I make her breakfast. I can feel the atmosphere change when she walks in the room. I see the plants die a little and all of the bugs hide as the wicked witch enter the kitchen.

"Finally you did something right!" She tells me she takes a bite of her eggs and two sips of her milk shake. She then take the waffle and nibbles on the side. Unexpectedly she takes a huge bite. Chewing she smiles at me. She then points her finger at me and tell me to come to her.

"Yes" I say. She take her hand and spits out the waffle remains in her hand. She then looks at me and takes her hand wiping it on my face. The witch starts laughing loudly.

"You have something on your face." She says.

It takes every ounce of me not to spit in her face. I can't hurt her because I made a promise with my father I would take care of her.

I look at her the quickly go to the sink to wash it off. she continues laughing and walks away leaving me with the dishes. I do them quickly and head to school.

School it a new battle ground. Being in 11th grade doesn't add to the fact that I am a loser. I don't have the nicest or cleanest clothing. Or a phone. Or any nice things for that matter. I get to school and keep my head down the whole time. No one notices me ever. I like it like that. Normal boring day. I get home and I smell cooking. The warm scent of baked macaroni and cheese filled the air. I run to the kitchen to see a young woman cooking.

"Who are you?" I ask her she doesn't respond but i don't giver her a chance. "Autumn!"

I hear my mom say. I rush into the dining room and I see her with a really old looking man maybe in his early 60's.

"Before we start what are you wearing? Never mind that. You can change later. I want you to meet Walter. He is 58 years old and has an interested in you." Her eyes glint with a greedy delight.

I look at her. I feel my eyes getting wider.

"Cherry, darling go change Autumn, here into some elegant clothing. Make her look amazing to please." Walter says.

I feel an hand wrap around my arm. I look to see who it is. The women at the kitchen.

"Hi I'm Autumn. What is going on I ask her."

"Please don't ask any questions I could get in trouble for speaking with you. Let me do my job." She says without looking at me.

"Okay then." I respond

She gives me a shower. Literally washing me. She then waxes every thing but my hair on my head. She rubs some great smelling oil on my body. She takes my hair and gives me a hair cut. Making it layered and smooth. She continues to pluck my eyebrows. She starts putting on what feels like three tons of makeup. She curls my pitch black hair leaving soft beach waves. She then makes me put on some lingerie. White lacy thong with studs in the front. The bra also white and lacy. She gives me a red dress that matches the lipstick on me. All of a sudden she takes back the dress and takes off the bra. Handing me nipple covers. I put them on awkwardly. She hand me back the blood red dress. It covers my neck and my shoulders. It is tight as it goes down barley below by butt.

She takes my hand and directs me to the mirror. I look very different but beautiful.

I want to rip off the satin clothing. Wash my face off and relax with music pumping through my head. Not be offered to some man like a slave.

My mother walks in to the room and comes over to me. "Darling do a good job and maybe you can earn new things" She say. Leaning in closer her alcoholic breath reeks as she says "Freedom". I had tried to run away multiple times but every time she called the police and they would bring me back. And every time she had a new story about how I assaulted her. For me to leave all she is to do is sign a paper. Or wait till I turn 18.

I freeze. "Okay" I tell her "What am I doing." She smiles at me as she takes my hand directing me to the dinner table. "Honey why don't you sit by Walter?" I nods as I go and sit by the pedofilic man. 

"You look beautiful." He tells me. "Umm actually-" I start to say but she interrupts me "SIT!" she orders. My body move to the seat as I sit down. Walter takes my chair and scoots into me closer.

The first dish arrives and it's salad. I grab my fork and start to eat. I feel Walter's wrinkly hand travel up my thigh. I stop chewing. I look over to my mom. She glares then mouths freedom. I continue eating as his hand travels to my under wear. Sliding it to the side he rubs it softly. I can feel my face move with disgust. "Ummmm." I look over to my mother but she is talking to Walter about politics. My hands move towards him. "Stop." I tell him. His face gets red. My mother looks at me . "How dare you talk to him like that." 

"What the fuck!" I shout at her.

"I have done every god damn thing to please you. I am your daughter. Not your slave. And I am begging you mom. Please. Stop treating me like this." 

I scream at her. Tears blur my vision. This is her last chance before I run away and kill myself. At least then I wont have to put up with this. I can go to heaven. Be happy.

"I want my money back." He tells my mother.

"No. No she will do as she is told. Won't you Autumn?" My mother stares me right in my eye. Like she hadn't heard the begging in my voice. 

No. I- will- not!" She looks a t me. Getting up and digging her fingernails into my shoulder. 

"With me now." 

"NO!" I say running out of the house. My feet pounding on the hard ground. I can't stay here. My thoughts are circling head. Then it starts I can feel it. The pain starts near my toes and the trees starts to grow around me. I can feel the plants twisting and turning as they try to get to me. "NO!" I shout. "I don't want you to come near me." I keep running, trying to get away from the ever growing vines that latch onto my ankles and anchor me down.

Lost in LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora