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"Well Autumn, let me describe whats going on." Hera starts to say. "You and my dear brother, Hades were paired up together so-'"

"That's bull shit. Is this some kinda joke to you? Telling me your Gods. You guys aren't real. Neither is the God that I believe in! So enough of this bull shit and tell me where I am and who you really are." I yell at her.

Expecting her to get angry then tell me the truth I take a step back. But she doesn't, she smiles. "You will believe very soon. Can't you feel the force pulling you too closer? I mean look are you not falling for him?"

I look away. I haven't looked into love because I never thought it existed. At school I answered every question correct with no meaning. At home I tried to do everything right with not questioning because I always thought it was my fault.

"Now I know of your powers. Which is why Hades doesn't want you here. You can make things grow. Turn things alive. He is the god of the Underworld. You are life. Poler Opposites. He doesn't want to hurt you or you hurt him. He was broken when Persephone left him. He like you though love didn't exists. Now why don't we get you ready for the ball. You are about to meet your future family."

I was speechless. I didn't need love. I needed to be alone. I wanted to be alone. Away from everyone. I have never let any one close to me before. So sure as hell I wasn't going to let some group of people that thought that they were gods in. 

I am walking back to the room that I came from when two women appear.

"Is this her?" The blond one asks. Her boobs shake as she speaks.

"It has to be her! Hades wouldn't let any other human into his palace. At least still alive!" The taller more mature and better dressed one says.

"Okay let's get her ready." Hera says to them and then I am DRAGGED into the bathroom. Then like the last time I got a makeover they scrub me raw. Even when I start to bleed. They are talking to one another in a different language all I hear is mumbling. I don't care much about it anyway

They do this until I am in a Black dress that goes down to the floor with a huge slit down. My tanned skin, contoured so I have larger cheek bones and my eye done to look shaded out with green tints to match my eyes. I look in the mirror. I look beautiful. I look like myself but my best parts are shown.

I smile in the mirror.

"Beautiful." I here the blond woman says.

Okay now us." The mature one says. They all clap there hands and all are dressed in different colors. The blond in a sexy red dress. The mature one in a dark silver color. Hera dressed in a white old Greek dress that flows with elegant.

"Are you ready Autumn?" The blond asks me

"Do you even understand how confused I am. Ready for what. A ball? Of course not." 

I am in awe of how disregarding these women are. I am afraid to do anything because I don't know where I am. I haven't seen a window since I woke up here. Am I going insane? AM I dead. Question run through my head. I didn't think heaven was this bad. 

The woman stare in confusion. 

"You are a fire." The silver gown woman says. 

They grab me and guide me. I don't know where I am going. Why is this hell my punishment.

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