Meeting Him

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My feet are hitting the ground hard. I have already torn off the heels. now I am only left with the slutty dress. Its dark out, the moon is my only light source as I head for the woods. The pine smell fills my nose as I take a deep breath. When I let out that's when the tears come.

 Ever single punch, kick, or word that has ever built up inside comes out. I feel the hot tears stream down my face as I make an attempt to cover them up. I keep running until i hit something, I think it was a root. Falling face first into the moist ground.

 I sob not wanting to get up. My body aching from the branches that cut deep into my body. I turn over and see a figure, woman. She comes up to me, I see a big light flash then everything goes black.

I wake up to muffled argument. Instead of the moss I was lying in I am in a large, beautiful bed. The sheets are probably silk, and the pillows are filled with feathers instead of cotton balls. Looking around the dim room I see a large dresser with a mirror that is jeweled with what looks like ruby. The whole room looks expensive with it's royal purples and light silvers. I look in the mirror and notice that my scratches are still there but my face is fine. instead of the dress I was wearing last night I am wearing a black long t-shirt that smells like something out of a Calvin Klein store.I reach for the door handle but its opens before I get a chance to. 

"Get back in bed!" The man tells me. I quickly scurry back into bed afraid of what he'll do. 

But my eyes don't stop gazing at him. As I was staring he suddenly jerked his head to move his hair; it caught the light and the golden brown gleam nearly blinded me. His hair itself was like spun gold, each thread falling perfectly, weaving together into curls that framed his tanned face. He paused for a moment, taking a breath. My eyes wandered up his arm, to his strong forearm disappearing into the sleeve of his leather jacket.  I watched his hand as it moved up to rub some unknown irritant from his eye. His nose was straight and aquiline, his lips perfectly formed, parted slightly, his breath, I imagined, moving in and out in steady streams of air. Suddenly, he looked up and I caught a flash of is ember eyes framed by tangled golden lashes.

"What are you looking at?" He remarks at me.

"Oh please, Hades let her be, She's afraid no wonder  Persephone left you." The older woman says. She chuckles but I hear a loud growl and the room shake. 

"You have to leave now. You aren't suppose to be here!" The man tells me. 

"No, no dear you can stay he is just nervous around pretty girls." The older lady tells me. Her hair falling against her slightly wrinkled skin. Uneven freckles spread across her face as if she had been kissed by the sun millions of times. Her eyes shone a light blue that could compete with the sky above. Her wisdom and grace could be seen by just the way she held herself.

"Wh-Where am I?" I ask afraid of the answer.

"It doesn't matter. She saved you and brought you here not me. So pack what ever you have and go. I will have one of my men bring you back to your home." 

"No! No I am not going back to that place drop me off in Hawaii or some shit!" I say gaining some confidence. I look at his deep set of brown eyes and his tones arms. I stand up off of the bed. he rolls his eyes.

"FIne. I won't be anywhere I am not wanted." I shout at him walking out the door but before I could the woman grabs my arm. 

"Hades she's the one! I know it even ask Aphrodite she is." The women looks at him begging. 

He huffs and walks out of the room. "Hades? Aphrodite? Who are you people? Whats up with greek God names?" I ask her.

"Oh so you heard about us?" The women says  "well I am Hera. You are?  

"Autumn West." 

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