I Can't Make You Love Me

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Autumn POV- 

I feel the sting on my face where hades had hit me. This had been the last straw. Some people are meant to live this life others are not. I am the latter.

I walk quickly away and out the door trying to hold back my tears. I can't stand when I cry but lately I've been doing it a lot. My walking starts to turn into  a jog then a run. The tears are blurring my vision. I honestly don't even know why I even care so much it just stings to know that no matter what I am not good enough. I keep running not knowing where I am going. I feel as if I lost part of my existence. I start to yell and curse.


I see a door and try to open it, not budging I move to another door and another,. Finally finding one that open. I rush in. Its a bathroom, I shut the door hard. My back leaning against the door. I slide down. Why the hell does my life have to be like this...

 I close my eyes as my tears rush down. I really tried to hold them back. But they just prove my point all along. You can't grow a plant in the depths of hell. my soft cries become harder as they turn into sobs. I close my eyes harder I feel something touch my arm. 

I know what it is. A vine starts to crawl up my arm. The only comfort will bring me pain. I feel the floor shake. The plant starts to escalate to my neck. I feel it wrap a couple times. I'm ready this time. Nobody will miss me. No body cares. I know this now. Before I thought maybe be alive for my father. Then for Hades. But now who will miss me. My horrid mother. The kids at school. NO!! I deserve peace. For once in my life, I deserve to have peace. I know i won't get it by staying here or alive. My breathing becomes thinner...

Hades POV-

"HADES!!!!" I jump at the loud voice. I am surprised at who it is.

"I don't want to deal with anything right now, Apollo."

"It's Autumn." That is all he has to say that makes me regret everything . My eyes go dark. I start to panic. Then all of a sudden the ground start to shake.

"Shit! Not again!!" I quickly start to look for her. I close my eyes and feel for her. Sadness fills my heart. Depression, hate, broken heart. This is what I have caused her in 2 days. What kind of God am I? I see her face in the bathroom. The familiar embroidered door is behind her. I see her crying and this green vine slowly going up her arm.

"Autumn!!!" I shout as I start to run to the bathroom. I get there and try to push in. It doesn't budge. The shaking has gotten worse. "Please!! I- I Open the door!!" I take a step back and right as I am about to punch it. The shaking has stopped. "NO!" I start to say. I punch the door and it breaks. I see her.

Her skin pale as if it had been kissed by snow. The regular pink tint on her lips disappeared. A vine had wrapped itself around her neck. And silence had filled the room. I open my mouth, 


"NO! YOU DON'T DESERVE HER! SHE WAS AMAZING LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID. BECAUSE YOU ACTED LIKE A DICK AND HAD SEX WITH PERSEPHONE.!!!!! Apollo interrupts. I look into his eyes. He is crying. HE really cared for her. I stand there frozen. I watch as he goes and picks her up. unwrapping the vines on her neck. "I hope you feel worse pain then her for the rest of you life" He spats as he walks away with her. I just stand there. Frozen.

Apollo POV-

When Autumn was born I was there. She was beautiful I was her protector. Before you say I did a shitty job I didn't. I wasn't allowed to interfere unless it involved her dying. So I just watched her grow. She was the prettiest of all. With large green eyes. Beautifully dark hair. She was perfect. But I wasn't going to have her. She was meant to be with Hades. But while she was cutting her self and in depression. HE was fucking every girl he can get his hands on just to prove to Persephone that he could have whoever he wanted. It drove him nuts. I don't thing that not once did he think of her. I tried to protect her but I could never really. Not from the demons that really haunted her. I lay her on my bed. She has a slight smile on her plump pink lips. Her eyes closed. Freckles scatter her face. I cry a little harder seeing her there. I failed.

"I am so sorry Autumn." I say to her doubting she can here me. I start to think maybe I can bring her back. Anything. I lean over to kiss her lips. Slightly I kiss them. I pull away hesitantly hoping that maybe this is a story book and she will rise like a princess she is. I wait. No response.

"It will only work if it the one shes meant for. " I hear someone say behind me then a sniffle. Aphrodite. I look at her she gives me a small smile

"The jack- ass has to kiss her. And mean it." She continues. I nod. Feeling slightly embarrassed. She doesn't look at me but stares at Autumn.

"Hey you still look good" She tells Autumn. She looks at me now. Her eyes brimmed with tears. She nods at me and leaves. I grab her hand to bring comfort. She probably doesn't have a clue I exist but still I cry for her...

"Please Come back.."


Autumn POV-

I feel like I am floating. Its just black and I feel unsettled. A bright light appears I see my whole life though some one else. From the day I was born to where I am now. I am on a bed. I stare at the what seems video, I am being kissed. By a man a beautiful man. When he kisses me I can feel it. I can still feel my pain in the back of my mind. My hand moves to my lips as he leaves. I see him crying. I watch him cry this time. "He would miss you."

"He doesn't know me." I state harshly at the the unknown voice.

"Really who do you think these memories are from." She states back.

I stop. Freezing. "HE FUCKEN WAS STALKING ME?!"


"I am Hegemone, Autumn I am your spirit, that's why you have powers."

I stare at the video footage.

"Goddess of blossoming and growth." She says blankly. A big flash of light beams in my eyes. This time I don't see the the screen but instead a fairy with green wings and green hair.

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