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Autumn POV- 

I known Hades for two days. It took two days for me to kill myself because automatically i felt the connection. Though I denied it so did he in a way, I never thought he would put me over the edge. Now I get that a girls life shouldn't be revolving around a guy, but it wasn't just him. I just couldn't take the suffering. I was done. Until I got told I couldn't

 Present Time Autum POV-

"So your saying I can't die. You are ordering me to say alive?" I say at the green-headed woman. 

"Yes." She replies.

"Go. To. Hell."  I spit

"Your boyfriend is the king of it."

I sigh in frustration. 

"Now what?" I question

"You have to go back. Apollo will revive you and you will rise. You have an obstacle in your course you have to learn to defeat it. You, my dear, are a very special part to a special plan." With that she disappears. Another bright light hits me.

Apollo POV- 

I watch autumn. Shes been out for two months. I have been trying to nurture back to health. All of her wounds are gone she looks healthy but her heart beat is at a very slow pace. Hades is back with Persephone. A man never learns huh? They acts as if she doesn't exist. She does, but barely. I sit down and open my book, I learned that her favorite book was always "Cinder" I start to read. 

"I'm sure I'll feel much more grateful when I find a guy who thinks complex wiring in a girl is a turn-on." I begin

"Autumn, I think complex wiring interesting." I say then laugh sadly. I gaze at her pale skin. Why didn't the fates put me with her. I would have loved her forever. I do now. I close the book, not being able to watch her like this and get up. As I start to open the door I hear a loud scream. My head whips at Autumn, there I see a fairy with green accent body and bright green hair put her hand over autumn. I move quickly trying to stop her and knock her down. But right as I touch her she is gone. I get up quickly and move to Autumn. Her eyes are wide with shock, and she is panting hard.

"Autumn you okay,  can you hear me?" I ask her. No longer caring about the green woman that was here.

"Y-yea I can." She blinks a couple of times and gets up. Moving slowly her feet slid off the bed. Landing with a light thump on the ground. 

"Apollo?" She looks up at me. I stare at her in shock, I never told her my name. 

"Y-Yes." This time its me stuttering. She smiles. Getting off the bed she falls, her legs not being able to work because of not being used for so long. Landing on me she yelps softly.  I quickly put her back on the bed. 

"I love complex writing." She says then chuckles to herself.

"Hey, let me get Hades for you."  I say quickly. Before she can respond I am out of the room. I run to his office.  Knocking hard. 


"What? I am busy" He says.

"Autumn is up." 

There is a moment of silence. 

"I can't see her right now."

"But uncle she is your wife to be." I state

"I said I am busy." this time in a harsher tone.

I leave running back to Autumn's room.

"He is really busy." I tell her

The smile on her face fades slightly, I see her bright eyes dull a little and her glow fades. 

"Apollo, I know he has been with Persephone. It's okay." She says. Looking down at her feet she wipe her eyes. 

"But that's okay, I am here for another reason. I want to train to fight."

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