Soul Eater

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1) That moment where someone gets you mad, and you have a book in your hand, so you preform a MAKA CHOP!

2) That moment where someone gets you mad, and you don't have anything in your hands, so you preform a REAPER CHOP!(or SHINIGAMI CHOP! if you read the manga)

3) That moment when you're staring at your cat and waiting for it to shape-shift into a woman.

4) That moment when you're watching a zombie movie, and you burst out laughing because you replace all the zombies with Sid from Soul Eater.

5) That moment when someone is talking about a grim reaper next to you, and you're just thinking of a big cartoon face.

6) That moment when someone mentions the word symmetry, and you imagine a freak out session performed by our very own Death the Kid.

7) That moment when you see a cat chasing a mourse and think of the fight between Blair and Mizune.

8) That moment when someone says to not kill a spider, and you say,"No, it's spying on us," and you squish it.

9) That moment when you wonder what happens after a weapon eats a soul.  (If a soul can be confiscated, where do the souls end up)

10) That moment when you meet someone who is as arrogant as Black Star.

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