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1) That moment when you thought that Mei Misaki was a ghost.

2) That moment when Takako and Tomohiko went crazy.

3) That moment when the teacher committed suicide in front of his class.

4) That moment when you see the picture of Misaki Yomiyama.

5) That moment when you learn the truth behind Reiko.

6) That moment when you learn the legend behind the "non-existent" student.

7) That moment when you found out that Mei had a sister.

8) That moment when you found out that Akazawa isn't just a detached body with no emotion.

9) That moment when you develop a fear of umbrellas because of this show.

10) That moment when you wonder what you would do if everybody in your class treated you like you didn't exist.

That Moment for Anime and Manga FansWhere stories live. Discover now