Black Cat

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1) That moment when your friend is acting like Train, and you want to strangle him.

2) That moment when your friend is acting like Creed, and you want to get as far away from him as possible.

3) That moment when you're talking about Train, and someone thinks you are talking about an actual train.

4) That moment when you are having a conversation about the show Black Cat, and someone thinks you're talking about a weird cat video.

5) That moment when you wish you could have an invisible sword.

6) That moment when you watched Black Cat too much before going to bed, and it winds up to be the main theme of your dream.  (This always happens to me when I watch anime before I go to bed.  It's not a bad thing either because I was a sweeper in this one)

7) That moment when you mention a sweeper, and someone thinks you have hired help.

8) That moment when someone is overly loving a cat, and you think of Kyoko.

9) That moment when you see a fire breather in a circus themed movie, and you know Black Cat has a cooler one.

10) That moment when you see fireworks, and you're as mesmerized as Eve.

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