Monsterfalls au.

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So here have some fanart. Dipper ended up a tad more cartoony than I wanted but he's still adorable. Srry for the glare.

Okay. Minirant. If you don't like opinions and you love current pop music I would skip this.

Okay so I'm watching the AMA's and I usually love watching them but like the first ten minutes made me a tad upset. So Prince (king of awesome) comes out to announce the R & B award right? And that song by The Weekend won. I was quite upset by that. See most of that music is bad anyway but like, here was an awesome amazing musician and then the winner. That song isn't even music. They just repeat the same sentence and not to mentioned they cuss every other word. If you like this song, sorry, this is purely my opinion. I don't mind the actually tune of the song but I don't like the message.


Now this is what made me real mad...

Everyone knows Duran Duran right? Well they have this song called Hungry Like The Wolf. This song was released in 1982.

Now of course everyone knows 5sos right? Well they have this song called Hey Everybody. This was released in 2015.

Hey Everybody's beginning verse sounds exactly like Hungry Like The Wolf's first verse.

And honey, 5sos wasn't even freaking alive when Duran Duran released that so don't get me started on that crap.

I'm not saying they're a bad band, but I generally dislike their music, and if you have to make music. Make it original. Don't steal amazing artists' music. You're no better than the awful art thieves on Wattpad.

Seriously though, don't believe me? Look it up.

Sorry if you like this band but I had to rant.

Goodnight :)

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