Pyra <3

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^^almost typed Purina whoops.

So, this is Pyra, a new OC of mine. Let's start with a bio.

Name: Pyra
Age: this species age is a tad reversed. So she's been alive for 85 years, but her body is 17. Every 5 years, their bodies age.
Gender: female
Height: 5' 1 she's a shortie
Species: Alien (idk what their actual name is yet)
E/C: Blue
H/C: Red
Likes: Earth, hunting, color, her leather jacket, birds, red.
Dislikes: Blue, rain, boredom. Anything remotely dreary.

Backstory: so Pyra is part of an alien species of another planet. This species has a very limited color field, what you call it, so they can only see colors in the blue to green range. That's why when Pyra was born, everyone was so shocked. They could see her hair, which was fiery red. Her mother died while giving birth, so she grew up with her father.
     People on this planet would occasionally visit other abandon planets, looting them. Her father frequently visited Earth (abandoned) for this purpose. Once she turned ten (50) her dad started bringing her along. One trip, when she was 15, another group of looters attacked for territory, killing her father. But Pyra managed to escape with a single item she'd found, her leather jacket. She never took it off, she's always wearing it. She's basically a fighter for her planet, you get kids see her as a brave warrior and super cool but elders see her as a threat to their peace.

Another thing. Her hair is spooper long because in this society, short hair is a sign of wealth because scissors, knives, basically all weapons, cost a lot of money. Unless you're lucky enough to find a non-dull pair. :)

What do you think? Let me know if you think of a name for the aliens. I'm making more of this species.

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