Chapter Fourteen: A friend!

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It's orange, white and a sort of gold colour. Kageyama doesn't know why he picked this one but when he saw it in the shop, he had a mental image of Hinata's large, cheesy grin as the boy holds the volleyball in his hands. He'd ramble excitedly as he does before thanking Kageyama with a kiss. Then they'd head into Kageyama's back garden to play for a while or maybe they'd curl up on Kageyama's bed to watch a movie because it's too cold outside.

Kageyama would ask Hinata to be his boyfriend and he'd get a "Yes!" or a stuttering, embarrassed Hinata nodding or just a kiss and a large grin. 

Maybe they'd fall asleep together and later Kageyama would walk Hinata home. They'd say goodbye, they'd kiss and then they'd part, smiling as they walk away. Maybe they'd even glance back, smile and wave until they're out of sight. 

That daydream had seemed so close, so within reach, just a few days ago. Recent events have shattered the illusion of Kageyama having any kind of romance with Hinata anytime soon. He'd not seen Hinata since the incident with Girl #1 yesterday but he's sure as hell hearing about him. Rumours of him dating that girl - Miko, apparently - are spreading at school. He's even been asked if it's true. People are unaware of the tension between them, it seems, as Kageyama was asked a number of times about the boy as if Hinata has been spending as much time with him as usual.

Thank God that it's the weekend. That's all Kageyama can think as he falls on to his bed. Seeing the volleyball he brought Hinata in the corner, he turns to face the wall and closes his eyes.

He's a bit lost. He wants to find out what's going on with his friend - like isn't like Hinata at all. At the same time, however, he has a horrid feeling in his gut that even if he were to somehow see whatever sense this supposedly makes in Hinata's head then it won't make a difference to.their relationship. They're stay friends.

Maybe Hinata had kissed him back out of pity... He did kiss Kageyama again of his own free will, though, and they cuddled that night.

What if he regrets it?

Kageyama feels sick and he curls in on himself, pulling a pillow over his head to try and block everything out. Even his own thoughts.

Kageyama doesn't even realise that he's drifting towards sleep until he's woken a few hours later by his mum.

"Tobio. Tobio. Sweetie, you've got a friend at the door. Be in by ten PM, all right?" She says to the half asleep teen before leaving.

It takes a moment for her words to set in and then he sits up quickly, almost giving himself whiplash with the force of it.

A friend! It had to be him... Who else would come to his house?

Kageyama stands and pats his hair to ensure it's flat, wipes his mouth incase pf any dropl before he heads out the room to go see HInata.

Kageyama's heart is pounding. Maybe Hinata has come to tell him he's sorry. Maybe he's come to tell Kageyama that he doesn't like him despite the kisses and cuddles. Either way, Hinata is here and he's going to get some answers.

His mum would have let Hinata in to stand by the door to wait. So he'll see Hinata when he turns from the bottom of the stairs.

Kageyama goes down the stairs and turns towards the door, planning to say something like "Come to explain?" but whatever he planned to say left when he realises that the person stood by his door is definitely not Hinata.

"Sayuri?" He asks, confused.

"K-Kageyama-kun!" She squeaks, as if surprised to see him. Her cheeks turn red and she looks down at the floor. "I'm... I'm sorry for just turning up but I don't have your phone number and I don't have anyone else right now..."

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