Chapter Two: Questions

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Ah, it was that time again. Time to choose a drink to have at lunch.

Kageyama's hand hovered over two buttons, trying to choose. Grapefruit or Mango...? Hm. He always had trouble choosing the flavour of his drink. Maybe it wasn't so much because he cared about the flavour, though...

Maybe he liked to stand here for a long time in case he overheard Hinata practising. He'd heard so many things when he was standing here. Kageyama told himself it wasn't exactly eavesdropping because Hinata had a big mouth and shouted more than he talked. Well, that's what he told himself.

After a few moments, Kageyama sighs a little and hits the button for the grapefruit flavoured drink. As he retrieves it from the bottom of the vending machine, a shadow looms over him and he looks to the side to see girl #1.

He tries not to glare too much as he straightens, so he was now looking down at the girl, and says "Hinata's not here"

She seems to take that as a personal insult and glares back. '"I know that he's not. I'm here to talk to you"

Kageyama takes his time before replying. He removes the straw from the back of the drink and stabs it into the small sliver circle on top of the carton. She's watching him intently, waiting for him to say she could speak to him.

Kageyama raises the straw to his lips and finally replies. "I'm not interesting in talking" and with that he turns away from her and walks off, finally slotting the straw between his lips.

"Hey! I just wanted to ask a question about Shoyo! You're so rude, Kageyama-san!" As she's talking/shouting, she chases after him.

Knowing he wasn't going to escape her until she asked whatever dumb question she had, Kageyama stops walking and turns to face her again. She practically runs into him before stumbling back in shock.

She then grins up at him, confirming to Kageyama that she was as stupid as he thought if she couldn't tell that he really didn't want to be talking to her right now - or ever.

"So.. You and Shoyo sure spend a lot of time together, don't you?"

Kageyama raises an eyebrow. This is her question?

"Of course we do. We're on the same team and practise together almost everyday. It's not abnormal" He doesn't know why he's so defensive. He just blames it on his personality and low tolerance for stupid people. Also the fact he dislikes this girl.

"You even spend time together after practise" She points out, like it was news to him.

Kageyama was tempted to walk away again. Instead, he answers "The whole team spends time together"

It's silent for a moment and then the girl scratches the back of her head and asks, with a small blush, "Can I ask you a question about Shoyo?"

Kageyama sighs "You can ask"

She hesitates for a moment before she asks, in a very soft voice that suggested she was trying to be gentle and understanding, "Are you two secretly dating? Is Shoyo gay?"

Kageyama freezes, a whole load of emotions going through him.

She thought they were dating?! Why on Earth did she think that?

Kageyama stares at her for a long time, trying to see if this was some kind of joke and that, any minute now, she'd laugh and shout 'got ya!' before Hinata rounded the corner. It's the kind of dumb prank that he'd pull.

When none of that happen, Kageyama sucks in a breath.

"No. We're not.. Dating. Hinata isn't gay"

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