Hinata runs to Sayuri's house, frightening the life out of her mother when she opens the door to see him on the verge of hyperventilating. Then, however, she registers who he is and pulls him into her arms.
"Oh, Hinata-kun! It's been such a long time. You've grown since Middle School!"
Normally Hinata would smile at that and get all (over) excited at the possibility of having grown even though he knows he hasn't grown a great deal since Middle School. Once he's sure that he won't hurt Sayuri's mother's feeling by doing so, he pulls away. He gives her a large smile.
"It's lovely to see you again." He replies before bending slightly to look around her. "Is Sayuri in?" Hinata asks.
Immediately, the woman nods and takes a step back to let him into the house. "Of course. She's upstairs. It's getting late now so I'll call your parents and let them know that you're here."
Hinata nods and gives her a thankful smile before he rushes up the stairs.
Once Hinata is stood outside Sayuri's bedroom door he takes a deep breath. He's got a lot to sort out now and he knows that most people will probably expect him to sort things out with Kageyama first but Sayuri needs to know that he's still her friend sooner rather than later. Kageyama expects him to be an idiot and another day wouldn't be the end of them, he's sure, but with Sayuri it's not so simple... Hinata may have already lost her trust and he wouldn't blame her after the way he's let Miko treat her.
Plucking up the courage and knowing it's time to face the music, Hinata knocks on the Sayuri's bedroom door. He's glad that her mother isn't aware of what's been going on, it would not have been easy to get this far if she had been. Hinata also hopes that it's a sign Sayuri hasn't lost all hope in their friendship. Sayuri is close to her mother but she knows that telling her Hinata has hurt her would mean Hinata wouldn't be able to get within fifty metres of her. So, maybe, just maybe, that means Sayuri wants Hinata to be able to talk to her.
When Sayuri calls out to come in, he hesitates. Would it be best to let her know it's him?
Hinata shakes his head. No, he needs to make sure that he can have this conversation with them both on the same side of this door.
So Hinata opens the door and walks into the room, closing the door behind him. Sayuri is sat on her bed, looking through a magazine. It's the last one her pictures - and Hinata's - was printed in. She doesn't look up straight away but when the room falls silent she looks up with her mouth open, obviously preparing to ask her mother if she needed something. Her mouth snaps shut when she realises that the person standing here is definitely not her mother.
"Shoyo." Sayuri says, voice tight. She closes the magazine.
"I came to apologise for being an idiot these past weeks. For hurting you. For being a bad friend." Hinata explains in a rush, nerves feeling him.
Sayuri has every right to kick him out and never speak to him ever again. Hinata hopes that doesn't happen. He wants to continue being her friend.
The girl doesn't move from where she's sat cross-legged on the bed. "Go ahead and explain it all then."
Hinata scratches the back of his head. "Well, uh, I... I don't really know how. I just thought that if I got away from Kageyama for a while I could figure out what I want... I'm not sure why you got dragged into this mess. I went to Miko and before I knew it, you weren't my friend and neither was Kageyama. Then I started acting like I did at the start of Middle School--"
"Stop." Sayuri says, holding up her hand. "We don't talk about that. Only with Sato-sama. It's in the past now and it doesn't matter. What matters is what you're going to do now to fix everything with everyone."

Mine [KageHina]
FanfictionThe most annoying thing about Hinata is the fact he never shuts up. Most of the time, Kageyama can tune the other out but every now and then a certain phrase or conversation that loudmouth has come out with will just stick with Kageyama like glue. ...