Chapter 72

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AN: I know it's not a video but it says what I explained about Ansel shipping Klaroline...

Klaus's POV

I spent the all morning with Caroline, trying to calm her down and making sure that nothing was wrong with her. It was strange seeing Caroline like that, so scared and fragile. I saw in her eyes that she wasn't afraid to die but to lose more people that she cared about.

Now, it was 2pm and I decided to talk to Nandi because if something happen, she would be one of the many people who would suffer the consequences. Her job is making sure none of the witches do nothing they shouldn't do, and messing with the women I love is something no one should even dream of. The only thing I can think about right now is Caroline and her safety, maybe I should make her leave to someplace away from me for awhile, just until everything settle down... But I couldn't do that. I was and am too selfish for that, I can't live without her by my side. I need her, she's the one who can give me direction and makes me believe that I deserve happiness and love, no one made me feel like that, not when I was human and not when I turn...

I finally get to the store and walked over to Nandi showing only anger and not sadness or fear. The most of my fear was because of Caroline, she had so much fear that because of the bonding I could felt it.

"Nandi, you are trying to test me? Do you really think I'm not capable of killing you and your loved ones? Or maybe do you want to see if I'm really capable of killing..."

"Klaus what are you talking about? I don't know what are you talking about. I know you and I just beg you to not kill my family."

"Davina Claire. Rings any bells?" I asked almost without any patience.

"Yes, I know her. But did she do something?"

"Nothing yet. But something tells me she's planning on it." I told her and when I was about to tell her what I would do if something happened, I felt a urge pain in my brain and something inside me was telling me that something was wrong with Caroline.

I didn't care if it was the bonding or just me worried but I vamp speed to the Quarter and one of my minions come to me and told me that I needed to go to my room because something was wrong with my Caroline and before he could tell me what was it, I vamp speed to my room. When I opened the door I saw Jessica (one of my maids who become special to Caroline, they almost seemed friends).

"What happened to her?" I asked Jessica.

"We don't know. A few moments after you went away, she come to me and told me she was feeling strange. At first I thought it was just because of the bonding so I try to calm her down and then she passed out and screamed like if she was having a nightmare, I try to wake her up and when I succeeded in that task, she was cold like ice and was shaking like I never saw. I walked her to your room and put a blanket on top of her but she was still cold so I put some more layers and then she start to be normal again, and now she's like this... It's like she was now lost..." She said and I look to a sad, almost depressive Caroline. I never saw her like that. "I'm sorry for not being that much of an help."

"It's okay. You did as much as you could. I'm very thankful for your concerned towards Caroline."

"No need to thank, my lord. Caroline is one of the kindest people that I know. Now, I better go and let you two alone. If you need anything else just call..." The maid said and walked away.

"Caroline." I called her and she just stay looking down and wrapping her arms around her legs making her knees be inter level of her head and her head was resting in her knees. "Love..."

This time she looked at me and didn't say nothing, just looked at me with her beautiful eyes full of sadness and lost.

"I can't do this..."

"What are you talking about?" I asked seating next to her.

"I can't keep smiling, joking and pretending that everything is fine when it isn't. Look at me, I have no one. I'm all alone. My dad was right, I should have died in that hospital... He should had kill me when he got the chance."

"No. Caroline, love... Don't say that. You are not alone. You have me, my siblings, your friends..."

"Who are you trying to fool here? You are just with me because of the bonding and because you have this stupid notion that I am good enough to be a queen; your sister just hangs out with me because there are no other women in your family; Elijah talks with me because he is polite and my friends...? I don't even know if they are really my friends. Damon is depressing over sweet Elena who has everything she wants and every guy fights for her, even you and your brother fought for a doppelgänger, you both loved Tatia. Bonnie barely talks to me. Matt just keeps me knowing what's going on in Mystic Falls and we don't talk like we used to, I can see that he doesn't see me as a friend anymore. Stefan is hurt with me because I don't have the same feelings that he has and I was so stupid that I ruined a great friendship. Tyler sees me as the ex who slept with his enemy and tried to kill him when had her humanity off..." She told me than looked at her daylight ring, took it off and went to the window to burn alive.

I quickly took her out to a place where wasn't any sun and I put her ring on her finger again, I wanted to yell at her for trying something like that but then I noticed she was crying.

"Why are you doing this to me?" She asked me "In my birthday you told me that I could chose between life and death. I want to die. It will be the best for everyone. No one will notice that I am gone... I just want to die."

"I won't let you do that. I need you in my life. I love you and I'm not losing you again, we might not be together but I can't picture one day of my life without you in it." I said almost yelling.

"You are better without me. Everyone is better without me, I'm just a waist of space."

"No, you're not. And I'm not better without you. Before I met you, I was lost and was consumed by darkness, I was a beast and then you came along and show me what was having feelings for another person and wanted her without nothing in return, you were the only one that told me I was capable of being safe, not even my siblings..." I told her and then added "I'm sorry for breaking up and for doubt of you. I love you. Please don't try to do something like that again. I wouldn't handle with the fact of losing you. I love you so much."

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