Chapter 82

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Klaus's POV

"How?" I asked her still not believing that she was pregnant, I mean we are vampires and we can't procreate.

"I asked myself that same question when I found out..." She said smiling with her hand resting in her belly like a protective mother, making me smile even more. "Apparently everyone has a soulmate and vampires can only procreate with their soulmate."

"How did you know all that?" I asked because I didn't knew about it and I lived a thousand years.

"I needed to talk with someone who I trusted and could have some connection with the Other Side... (AN: in my story the Other Side didn't collapse) So I called Bonnie." She said, probably if it was someone else or in other situation I would get mad of her telling someone something important before me but I was too happy to be mad at her.

"So... It's proven that I am your soulmate?" I asked smirking and she rolled her eyes with a smile.

"Apparently..." She said with a smile and kissed me, I kissed her back and then broke the kiss "why did you wait so long to tell me?"

"Don't get mad." She said and I nodded "I kind of was scared that you..." And by just looking at her I could see what she was thinking and how scared she was that I would leave her and the baby.

"You should have told me... I would take all those crazy thoughts of your head. I want to be with you and the baby." I said because I understood her fear, I had a horrible childhood and I told her once that when I was human I wanted to get married and have kids but then I turned and stop thinking about that.

"I'm sorry..." She said looking down.

"It's okay." I said and she looked at me with a small smile.

"Do you sure you want to stay with a insecure, neurotic, control-freak like me and a baby? I don't want you to stop focusing your goals just because I'm pregnant..." She said.

"My goal since I met you was be you last love and when I got together with you, my goal was making you the happiest women in the world with me by your side." I said and she kissed then when she broke the kiss she smiled.

"I'm so happy! I never felt like this..." She said excited making me smile then she started to cry "I don't know why... What did I do to deserve you? You are so..."

"Shh... It's okay love." I said and hugged her, then start to stroking her hair.

"I'm sorry." She said breaking the hug.

"Don't be. It's okay. It's probably hormones."

"Are you saying that just because I'm pregnant I don't have control over me. Niklaus Mikaelson, you should know that I am a person who has more control than is usual."

"I know love and I love that about you."

"Your luck is that I can't be mad at you." She said and kissed me passionately, I kissed right back wishing that we could be like that forever.

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