Chapter 73

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Caroline's POV

I spent the morning with Klaus and he calm me down a little bit but I was still really nervous because I couldn't imagine my life without Klaus, even if we weren't together, I needed him.

It was 2pm and Klaus decided to leave to someplace, the only thing that he said was that he was going to make sure that no one would do nothing to us, specially to me. I could see that he still cared about me, but I couldn't just get back together with him because he needed to see what he did was wrong and apologize to me.

I decided to take some fresh air, so I went to the garden and suddenly, I start to hear some voices in my head in some lengths I didn't know but it seemed that the voices were from witches, the all said some words in chorus and it got intense by the minute and then vanished, I decided to go back, when I went to the living room I saw Jessica and decided to go talk to her.

"Jessica" I called her making her turn to see me.

"Yes, Miss Caroline." She said.

"I have a weird feeling inside me and I don't know what to do. Do you have any notion what could it be? It's just..." I said nervously because I remember what Davina told us and that make me think that maybe she was the one doing it with some witchy friends and I was now nervous and scared because I didn't know how Klaus was feeling...

"Miss Caroline, you will see that there's nothing to worry about. I'm sure it's just because of the bonding that you have with my lord. It's known that after 2 people do the bond ritual, they will always feel weird when they are away from each other because they work like magnets..." Jessica said and calm me down a little bit then I start to feel dizzy.

"Jessica, I'm not feeli..." I try to finished the sentence but I passed out before I could.

When I passed out, I relived what my father did to me when he found out that I was a vampire, I relived him saying that because of me being a vampire I would never be okay, I relived my mother saying to Damon that I was no longer her daughter because I turned and I relived my mother's death. I screamed and scream to get out of there, because when you're having nightmares and you know it's not real that means that you're brain just woke up but you are prisoner in your body, it's awful...

I finally manage to open my eyes and saw Jessica with some of the maids and Klaus's minions around me. Jessica helped me getting up and I start to shake, I didn't knew why but I was now starting to feel really cold, Jessica noticed that something weird was happening and put her hand on my hand.

"Your cold as ice. Let me take you to the bedroom and put you warm."

"I usually wait for the 3rd date for that kind of talk." I said trying to show I was fine but everyone could see I was really cold. She helped me go to the bedroom and lay me down in the bed, then she put some layers on top of me.

After a while I seat down quiet and it came to me a lot of flashbacks and none of them good, it was me when I did something wrong, it was me when I saw my parents disappointment in their faces and then I heard my father and mother's voice in my head saying that I wasn't good enough and that I should had died in the hospital because I'm a monster; I heard them saying that I was all alone and it was true, I had no one... I heard them say that I wasn't good enough and that I am just a waste of space. I heard them saying horrible stuff to me and telling me that I was just some disappointment.

"Love..." Klaus called me, making me look at him and I couldn't be anymore that person who hides when is sad.

"I can't do this..." I finally admitted.

"What are you talking about?" He asked seating next to me.

"I can't keep smiling, joking and pretending that everything is fine when it isn't. Look at me, I have no one. I'm all alone. My dad was right, I should have died in that hospital... He should had kill me when he got the chance." I explained him.

"No. Caroline, love... Don't say that. You are not alone. You have me, my siblings, your friends..." He said and I showed my head.

"Who are you trying to fool here? You are just with me because of the bonding and because you have this stupid notion that I am good enough to be a queen; your sister just hangs out with me because there are no other women in your family; Elijah talks with me because he is polite and my friends...? I don't even know if they are really my friends. Damon is depressing over sweet Elena who has everything she wants and every guy fights for her, even you and your brother fought for a doppelgänger, you both loved Tatia. Bonnie barely talks to me. Matt just keeps me knowing what's going on in Mystic Falls and we don't talk like we used to, I can see that he doesn't see me as a friend anymore. Stefan is hurt with me because I don't have the same feelings that he has and I was so stupid that I ruined a great friendship. Tyler sees me as the ex who slept with his enemy and tried to kill him when had her humanity off..." I told him, then I looked at her daylight ring, took it off and decided it was time to stop being a bother in everyone's life, specially in Klaus's , I vamp speed to the window and start burning.

When I was start to feeling the pain, Klaus took me out of the window and put the ring in my finger and all I wanted now was crying because I didn't want to live anymore and he wasn't letting me.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I asked him and added "In my birthday you told me that I could chose between life and death. I want to die. It will be the best for everyone. No one will notice that I am gone... I just want to die."

"I won't let you do that. I need you in my life. I love you and I'm not losing you again, we might not be together but I can't picture one day of my life without you in it." He said almost yelling.

"You are better without me. Everyone is better without me, I'm just a waist of space." I told him

"No, you're not. And I'm not better without you. Before I met you, I was lost and was consumed by darkness, I was a beast and then you came along and show me what was having feelings for another person and wanted her without nothing in return, you were the only one that told me I was capable of being safe, not even my siblings..." He said then he added "I'm sorry for breaking up and for doubt of you. I love you. Please don't try to do something like that again. I wouldn't handle with the fact of losing you. I love you so much."

And with that I snapped out of what seemed a trance and looked at him and saw in his eyes, the love he had for me, how concerned he was and how he was sorry.

"You really are sorry for doubt of me?" I asked quietly.

"Yes, it was one of the few thing I most regret because I lost you and I acted by anger and fear without even think about you." He said.

"I know that there is a chance that you will never forgive me but I can't lose you. I need you and..." He said and I cut him off by kissing him.

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