New York

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Ana's POV 

This morning I was laying on my couch and stared at my wall art with photographs of places I have always wanted to go. And I saw my bucket list that I made and framed when I was 11 years old. Which is a list of things I want to do before, you know, 'I kick the bucket'.  


"Bucket List"  

1. Go to London 

2. Go to University 

3. Buy mum her dream house 

4. Go to New York 

5. Skydive with a group of friends 

6. Make a Youtube Channel and weekly videos  

7. Travel the world with mum and dad 

8. Live in London  

9. Find the love of my life

Since I have only done #2 and #5 and I knew it would take me some years to do #3, #7, #8, #9 I decided to go on a trip to New York City with my best friend. Because I know if I go to London now I would never want to come back home. My best friend, Daniel, was my high school crush until I really knew him and realised even though if we ever date, things would be so much better if we just remained friends. I booked a flight to NYC for Daniel and I for tomorrow. I texted him an hour ago and he told me he would be here in 50 minutes, so I guess he would be knocking on my door anytime soon. I checked my phone and saw a text from him.

Dan: "I'm just two blocks away, need anything from the store?"

"nope, but thanks for asking"

Dan:"ok then, see you in a bit ;) "

I smiled at my phone and let go of it on my bed. I got dressed, I was wearing a light blue oxford buttoned-down long sleeve with a burgundy jumper, my golden yellow Burberry watch. Dark-blue skinny jeans and my black Tory Burch ballerina shoes. I also made some last minute packing and grabbed my MacBook Pro and its charger and decide to take my camera, too, since I took some photography classes a few months ago.

I looked out my window looking for Dan's car and I heard soft knocks on my bedroom door. I turned around, it was my dad. He was staring at me for a few seconds and said to me,"Just take care of yourself. I know that you have always wanted to go away from everything. You will always be my little girl even when you're 60 years old. Just come back home safe," I smiled at him and he gave me kiss on the forehead and gave me a big bear hug.

We heard a car in the drive way and broke off. He grabbed my luggage and said,"See you down stairs." I went to my parents bedroom and saw my mother looking at our family albums. She let a tear run down her cheek and I wiped it off with the back of my hand. She then smiled and embraced me in maybe one of the longest hug she has ever given to me. I kissed my mum's cheek and she said,"Come on, you don't want to be late for your flight." So, we both went downstairs and saw Dan and dad having a serious conversation. I was staring at him for the longest time I almost tripped down the stairs.

I'm not gonna lie. I'm very much aware that my best friend is very handsome. He's a few inches taller than me he's 5'11 (1.80m) and I'm 5'8 (1.72m). He has a very strong jawline. Light beige skin. His black hair is styled like one of the Harries twins, Jack. His straight eyebrows give him a perpetual expression of nonchalance. His hairline is symmetrical. He has a masculine yet defined nose. His top lip has the shape of a heart and his bottom lip slightly more bigger than his top lip. He has broad shoulders and not too skinny legs. Today he was wearing a royal blue pinpoint oxford short sleeve button-down (that showed off his muscular triceps) with a pocket on his left chest with little white anchors arranged diagonally from both sides that look like they formed rhombuses and his brown Ray ban Club master sunglasses with golden rims inside his shirt's pocket. Slim khaki trousers, brown Oxford shoes and a yellow gold Burberry 'The City' watch that matched my Burberry watch.  

My dad and mum were really worried and asked if I felt good enough to travel. Dan just chuckled and said,"She's fine... she's just mesmerised by my looks," and winked at me. My dad said,"Yeah... Errr, right. Whatever." Everyone except my dad laughed at his response.

I noticed that my luggage was in the doorway and Dan said,"I'll leave you guys for a few minutes," he grabbed my luggage and headed outside.

We, again, said our goodbyes and I hugged my parents and we headed outside my dad's left arm over my shoulder and I grabbed my mum's right hand with my left hand. Dan was standing in the passenger's side with my camera in his hands and said,"Wait! Wait... Family picture," he then took the picture. I kissed my mum and dad and walked towards the car while Dan opened the car door for me. He got inside the driver's seat and drove off to the airport.


Hello! This is my first fanfic and the first thing that I post on Wattpad. I know it takes long to get to Finn because I've read some fanfics on Tumblr and they jump right to Finn and Jack and the girl is dating one of them in the first two chapters. I just wanted to make it seem a little bit realistic even though it's a fanfic but trust me, it will get better.  

Much Love, Ana xx

The One (Finn Harries)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu