Making Things Easier

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Ana's POV

Last night I didn't had time to give Finn his present. I knew he would see us arrive so I left the watch inside the car.

I slowly and quietly got out of bed trying not to wake up Finn. I wrapped myself in my night robe and headed to Jack's room.

"Jack... wake up" I slowly shook him.


"I left Finn's present inside the car, I want to go get it."

"No, I have it here... it's ...uh...inside one box in my bookshelf"

I headed to his bookshelf were he had many interesting things. I took Finn's present and headed to Finn's room. I was looking for a place to hide it. I placed it behind his desktop. I doubt he'll see it there.

Emma's POV

I was arriving to T in the Park which is a massive concert when I tweeted

"Looking forward to see The Killers at T in the Park tomorrow!"

Seconds later Logan tweeted me, "@EmWatson No way, I'm here too. Hope to see you Em"

I saw George and walked up to him. He welcomed me with a kiss on the lips. Today's the second day of the concert so we went to see The Lumineers, Noah and the Whale, Alt-J.

Finn's POV

I suggested Ana to go to The Design Museum. She agreed and she's now taking a shower. I headed to my bedroom to get some clothes.

Jack knocked on the door.

"Hey man."

" 'sup Jack"

"Do you mind if I go with you guys?"

"Uh. Sure."


Jack was about to leave,

"hey man, wait." He turned around. "Yeah?"

"Come on in, close the door"

He did as I said and took a seat.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know... I mean, I accidentally opened one of Ana's messages and it was her best friend, Daniel."

"How can you possibly opened a message that wasn't intended to you, on 'accident'?"

"It was an accident, I promise..."

"Well, what did the message say?"

"I don't remember quite well. 'When are you coming back? Can't wait to see you' something like that..."


"It turns out that this guy called her a slut because we were home alone and that's why I punched him..."

"Maybe she forgave him. You know her, she always sees the best in people"

"Yeah... But what will happen when she goes back? Clearly, he has feelings for her. And he will take advantage of the whole situation. One day she'll feel lonely and he will comfort her."

"Finn... Stop doing this to yourself, mate. You need to trust her."

"I do. It's the other people I don't trust."

"Yeah, but you need to be sure of yourself. Just try not to make any more scenes like in George's dinner party."

"I know. But everyday I am more afraid of losing her, you know"

He nodded and patted me on my shoulder,"Enjoy every second you're with her. Come on mate, go on and get dressed."

The Next Day...

Emma's POV

Clearly things with George have been quite fast. I don't want to get my hopes up just like last time but we sure picked up things from where we left off. He doesn't try to talk about our past relationships as if they never happened. But before anything, I need to speak with Jack about certain matters.

I sent Logan a message asking where he was. Seconds later he responded me with his exact location. Right now, George and I are walking towards Logan's location.

"Hi Em" Logan raised his hand as he saw me.

I hugged him,"Hi. Logan this is George, George this is one of my good friends, Logan."

They gave each other a half handshake half hug. And the three of us headed to The Killers' concert.

Finn's POV

Ana, Jack, and I decided to stay home with Emmy, perhaps watch some films, eat sweets, and make dinner. After the first film I asked Ana if she wanted to go for a walk. She nodded and we are now headed to Artisan Bakery to grab a cheeky coffee.

When we grabbed our coffee we sat on a table.

She sat quietly staring at the ring I gave her. I took a sip of coffee and she was now moving the ring with her thumb. I didn't know what to say so I unconsciously opened my mouth and words slipped out my mouth.

"I accidentally opened a message from Daniel"

She looked up with her eyes staring right into mine. "What?"

"You left your Facebook opened and I unconsciously opened the first message"

"And you want to make another scene?" She drank from her coffee.

"No, I don't even know why I mentioned it, really."

"You shouldn't have..."

Oh my god Finn. Don't fuck things up. Just shut the fuck up. Don't mention him again.

"So what did the message say? Am I in trouble?"

"Of course not. I don't know it said something about 'Can't wait to see you, when are you coming back?'"


"That's your answer? Oh?"

"What do you want me to say?"

"I don't know maybe how does he know you're away? Are you talking to him again?"

"Maybe I am. What's the big deal?"

"HE CALLED YOU A SLUT!" Oh shit, what have I done? By this time everyone around was staring at us. Her eyes were red. She got up and said,"Thanks for pointing that out..." and walked away.

"Ana, where are you going?"


"Come on, let's go back home."

She kept walking without having eye contact with me. She wiped a tear from her eye and stopped and looked down as she said

"Thanks for making things much easier, Finn."

"What do you mean? Easier for what?"

I grabbed her by the arms and pushed her against me. "I am sorry." That's all I could say.


Author's Note:

Hey guys, I'm afraid next chapter will be the last and I will be busy this whole week my cousins from Europe came for the summer vacations and I'll be spending most of my time with them. I'm not quite sure as of when I will publish the last chapter. It won't take two or three weeks. I can promise you that.

I would probably write a sequel. So hopefully I'll publish a blank work so you can save it in your library and then I will start publishing from there and you will be notified. Thank you for all of your support. It means a lot.

Much love, A


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