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Dan's POV

We were waiting for a cab outside the airport. Ana and I didn't talked too much. I helped her carry her luggage and got inside the cab. My phone vibrated and answer the call. It was my mom. "Hello? Daniel?" 

I answered,"Yes, hi mom how are you?" She replied,"Great. Your dad and I have to go to Mexico City for some business meetings and a business reunion. Would you like to come? We are leaving in 4 hours," I really wanted some time alone. I knew if I went with my parents my mom would go to every event with dad. Then I would have some time for myself. I accepted and she said I could invite Ana. Honestly, I didn't want her to come. We then said goodbye and I hung up. Ana then broke the awkward silence after I hung up my phone,"My mum and dad are going to Paris. My dad's cousin is getting married. And they are staying a month. Guess my parents want some more time alone. Haha I'm going to stay though, you can sleep over if you want," I told her that I just accepted my mom's invitation to Mexico City a few minutes ago. She didn't tried to stop me or convince me to stay.

5:00 PM

Ana's POV

I'm so bored! Daniel left and my parents are gone. I walked to the kitchen and there was a note on the table. It was my father's handwriting.

Honey, welcome home.

We are sorry we couldn't at least see you. It's my fault I totally forgot about the wedding. I left my credit card. There's plenty of food in the fridge. I also left 800 dollars for you. Use the credit car to pay gas and food.

Ps. Mom says she loves you. 

Love, dad

I picked up my phone. I texted Daniel,"have a nice trip :)" I took a hot bath and finished reading The Time-keeper. I then decided to go for drive.  

I got the keys of my mum's Range Rover and went to Barnes & Noble. I grabbed a coffee at Starbucks and few steps later I was at B&N. I grabbed two books and went looking for a third one. My phone rang, it was Finn. I answered quickly.

"hi Finny"

"Hello Ana. What are you up to?"

"nothing I'm just getting some books. What about you?"

"Just waiting for my flight. It got delayed. I was supposed to leave at 8:00. It's 8:45 I'll board the plane at 9:00"

"Are you going back to London?"


"hi Ana!"

I heard Jack on the background.

"Hi Jack" I answered.

Finn continued,"... I'm headed to San Diego,"

My jaw dropped. "Really? Do you guys have someplace to stay?"

"Actually, Jack is headed to LA. He's meeting with Sam. As for me, I was wondering if I can crash at your place?"

I stuttered. " I.. I.. Um.. Uh.. Ye..yeah..s..su...sure."

"You don't seem convinced" Finn replied.

"What! Of course I am... it's just, it took me a while to.. Um.. to process the information. But sure I would like you to stay."

"Excellent" Finn responded.

Few hours later

Ana's POV

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