Finn's Present

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The Next Day

Emma's POV

Since, Jack and I didn't talked yesterday I called him and told me to go to his house and that's where I'm headed. George went to his house to make some last minute packing because tomorrow he's travelling to T in the Park, probably I'll join him.

I texted Jack letting him know I was outside of his house. I got out of the car and started to walk towards his beautiful house. I knocked on the door and seconds later someone opened the door. It was a beautiful blonde woman with a warm smile. I suppose is Jack's mum.

"Hi, Mrs Harries-"

"Emma!" Jack's mum turned around it was Emmy, Jack's little sister. She walked towards us and hugged me.

"Sorry, have I missed something?"

"This is Ana, Jack, and Finn's friend," Emmy said with a big smile. 

"Hi, I'm Emma Watson..." I shook her soft hand,"Hi, I'm Rebecca." "... I'm looking for Jack, is he home"

"Yes, come on in."

As soon as I got inside I saw Jack standing in the staircase. He smiled at me and made me a sign to go upstairs. I excused myself and headed upstairs. I walked into a bedroom, which I presume it's Jack's. I saw Ana and Finn laying on the bed. I hugged them and and Jack said,"Do you reckon we should get started?" 

"With what?" I asked as a got in between Ana and Finn.

"Our orgy" Finn said seriously. I looked over Ana and she was holding herself from laughing. 

"Very funny, Finn." I said and punched him.

Jack placed his camera on the tripod,"With your first YouTube video..."

Ana asked what we were going to talk about. I suggested to practice what we were going to say. Finn sat on the edge of the bed. I turned sideways and hugged Ana tightly and wrapped one leg on her legs. 

"Let's get this orgy started then... Ana and I, and Finn you'll do it with your brother." 

I pretended to kiss Ana and Jack jumped in the bed and pushed my head against hers. Jack laughed and I got off of Ana.

Finn laughed,"You're that bad, huh?" 

"Haha piss off Finn" 

Ana got up,"Let's practice what we are going to say..."

After a few frustrating minutes were ready to film. Jack set up the lights and Finn was adjusting the camera settings.

Jack was serious,"...and, action."

"Hi I'm Ana..." 

"...and I'm Emma Watson and..." 

I awkwardly laughed I looked at Finn "I'm sorry, I'm not accustomed to look at the camera, all my life I've been told not look at it."

After 30 minutes we filmed the video, now Jack and Finn were going to do the editing. They taught us how Final Cut Pro X worked, Ana downloaded it in her computer and understood better than me. Ana asked them to write 'special thanks' at the end of the video to Jack and Finn Harries. Ana was working in the Facebook page adding information. She made an email for inquiries and posted it in our blog, Facebook page, and Twitter description.

Another 40 minutes passed and Jack and Finn finished editing and now the whole video was in process of uploading into our Channel which Jack and Finn made, too. Whilst they were editing Ana and I added the twitter account of our project into our twitter accounts. I tweeted. 

The One (Finn Harries)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora