Just Friends

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* Dan's POV *

Finally we were in our seats ready for take off. Ana and I talked as usual and after two hours of talking I noticed she was falling asleep so I started playing with her hair. Before I knew she was fast asleep with her head resting on my shoulder. Then a fly-attendant approached to me and asked if I wanted a blanket for my girlfriend. girlfriend . I didn't denied she was my girlfriend and kindly said to the woman,"Yes, please." I unfolded the blanket and covered Ana and part of my lap. This was a sign. I thought. Now that we are far away from home I can express my feelings towards her. I've tried to several times in the past. I haven't been with any other girl since I met her because I didn't want her to think I'm not interested in her and to compare herself to any other girl. But I know for sure this trip, the fly-attendant saying ,"girlfriend", the butterflies in my stomach when she said that is a sign. I must tell her how I want to be with her.

My eyes felt really heavy, I was slowly closing my eyes. But before I completely closed my eyes I slipped a kiss on Ana's lips and rested my head on her head. I know it was wrong to kiss her without her consent but she looked so calm and beautiful and it felt so right in that moment. I still don't regret it.

* Ana's POV *

I was freezing cold but I didn't want to wake up for a blanket I was still conscious, though. I heard a fly-attendant ask Daniel if he wanted a blanket for his girlfriend and he said yes. It sounded beautiful "your girlfriend" but I didn't get my hopes up. I knew he didn't correct the lady because he was polite and beside what would it matter it's not as if we were going to see the fly-attendant ever again. She might as well had said,"sister," or, "friend," or,"cousin," it wouldn't make any difference because I know and he knows we are just friends. After that I decide to go back to sleep... the next thing I remember was that I wasn't cold anymore.


Hi! Hello. I hope you enjoyed this. Maybe you are reading this who knows, days, weeks, maybe months after I published this fanfic it's fine. I still hope you enjoy it. Ps. It really is a fanfic about Finn I'm just trying to add more spice to it when it gets to the good part.  

Much love, Ana xx.

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