Back Again

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Hey you :) I added a pic of Mia (Claire holt) in the sidebar :D You see I'm a vampire diaries-fan what about you? :D

Please don't forget to support this story (Votes and comments) if you like it :D 

Bye Debooo


"Cause you, you've got this spell on me

I don't know what to believe

Kiss you once now I can't leave

'Cause everything you do is magic

But everything you do is magic."

I sang the lyrics at the top of my voice. I knew I wasn’t the best singer but at this moment I couldn't care less. Before I moved with my father to London, I didn’t really like one direction but let me say that, it is simply IMPOSSIBLE to leave Britain without being infected with the 1D fever! Believe me.

“Oh my God Mia! Please do us a favor and stop singing these songs! It’s horrible!”  My Dad said to me, looking over from the driver’s side. I took my headphones off and looked at him.

“What exactly is thaaat horrible mhm? The songs in general or my oh-so angelic voice?”

“Hum… both? Please don’t continue Honey okay?” He grinned but then looked back at the street in front of him.

“Dad!!!”  I tried to feign outrage as best I could, but I had to laugh out loud and then he also started laughing. I  turned my iPod off and leaned back in the seat. For a while none of us said anything and I looked out of the side window at the area we were passing through. After some time my Dad began to talk again.

“Look, we're almost there!”

I looked ahead and saw the first buildings coming towards us. There we were. Officially back at home. In Cologne. I wasn’t really happy about it, after having to leave all my friends in London to return to Germany… But above all I had a bad feeling about the people here. What if I would meet someone from my old school? I didn’t want that! I didn’t really know if they would even speak to me after the way I had left… I left without saying a word to them, not even to my best friends. I went. To explain them the reasons why I had to leave would have been too much for me. And we don’t have to talk about all the questions they were bound to have asked… I think at that time I couldn’t stand to all of that after what had happened to my mother.

And now I was back, where my past could easily follow every step I wanted to take. I took a deep breath and  sighed. My dad glanced over at me, but looked back at the street.

“Dad?” I asked quietly and looked at him before I continued speaking.  “Do you think it was the right decision to return? I mean wouldn’t it have been easier to stay in London now that we both were used to our new life there?”

He stayed silent for some moments and just starred at the road. His mood changed abruptly. I could feel the tension in the car and also how much this subject must be affecting him.

“Well…” he began “I asked myself a lot whether it would be right to return or not. I tried to figure out what was best for you… You had your own life over there and to take you away from your friend another time and bring you back here… you can not imagine how difficult it was for me! But I think we belong to this country and this town. Sure London is beautiful, but Cologne is our home and we have got so many memories here! It will always be the town we feel most comfortable. That’s the reason I decided to come back.”

After his long explanation we both kept silent until he had parked the car. I got out and looked around me. The building, our flat was in, was situated on the Rhine (it’s the river in Cologne). I wanted to go and see it straight away, but my Dad suddenly called me back.

“Mia can you please help me carrying the rest of our things upstairs? If you help me,  we'll finish earlier than if I do this alone.”

I didn’t answer but gripped my suitcase and my bag and brought them into the house. For the first time I entered our new flat, my new home. I had to admit it wasn’t that bad. The living room was big and bright, with enormous windows, which lead to a balcony. From there I had a wonderful view. In summer it would surely be a beautiful pic to take, but at the beginning of March it was too rainy and to cold.

I continued inspiring the different rooms in our flat. At first the kitchen, then the bathroom and my dad’s room and finally I got where I wanted to get right from the beginning. My room. The walls had a bright color and I couldn’t really say if they were white or beige but it didn’t matter. The furniture was simple, but I planned to decorate it anyway so it wasn’t that bad. Then my gaze fell on a small door. Curious like i was I went toward it. I dropped my bag and my suitcase in the middle of the room and opened it then. After turning on the light and seeing what was in it I started shouting like crazy.

My Dad came running into my room to see if something happened to me.  I hugged him tightly and we both almost fell down.

“Oh! My! God! Dad! love you so much! I have my own bathroom now!!  Are you kidding?! It soo cool!oh my God, oh my god I have to tell her! Ahhh how awesome I can’t believe that!”

He suddenly started laughing out loud. I looked at him and calmed down a bit. By now I saw tears coming into his eyes and he was holding his belly. I could not help but laugh with him even if I didn’t know the exact reason but who the hell cares? That’s how I am.

“Haha okay dad I’m leaving now I want to go for a walk and see what I’ve missed here. Is it okay or do you need my help?" I asked after I finisahed laughing. My Dad was still laughing -I don’t really know what is so funny but well if he wants to- and I took my bag.He just shook his head while tears were falling down his cheeks.Then I added grinning at him.

“Call me when you are normal again okay?”

He nodded this time and then I left the flat closing the door behind me.


Chapter Two! :) 

Hope you all like it!!

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