good surprise, bad surprise

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Okay that's my last update before I am on holiday for two weeks :) 

Support it if you like!! 


… “I’m not leaving without you” I say one last time towards Lea and then we start running again. I have difficulties breathing and I’m getting tired from running around and now also helping Lea. We are as fast as possible but the one following us is catching up. We are still too slow.

“Mia, what are you trying to do? Do you think the two of you can run away from me? hahahaha it’s so naïve of you to think that”

The voice is shouting at us and I hear Lea gasping on my left side. Then she suddenly stops and holds me back.

“Who is he?!” she asks me with a thin, trembling voice, her eyes staring at me with fear rising with every second we stay in this place.

“C’mon Lea we have to go away from here!” I whisper at her and continue walking, but she doesn’t move.

“Who the hell is he? Mia why is he following us? Why is he speaking to you? Tell me! Now!”

“Lea listen I really have no idea of what is going on but we have to leave! Trust me!” I answer and we try to run away again, but it’s already too late. He got us! We cannot get out anymore. He planned things well; he wants this to be exactly how he imagined it.

I see a silhouette of a tall man coming towards us. Lea lets out another scream and tightens her grip around my left arm.

“Mh Mia you look beautiful as always…”  

-A week later-

The ringing of my mobile phone snatched me out of my daydream. I jumped and then realized I was back in reality and back in the full bus. My phone continued ringing and I took it from my pocket so accept the incoming call. I looked at the screen to see it was a number I didn’t knew calling me.

“Hallo?” I simply responded, waiting for an answer.

“Hallo? What’s that? It sounds horrible you know that!” I couldn’t believe it was her at the phone.

“Kate!! Hey how are you! I haven’t heard your voice for weeks!” I squealed and some other people in the stared angrily at me. I simply rolled my eyes. My best friend was calling me after what seemed centuries I really couldn’t care less about them.

“I see you’re still you!” she laughed and I joined her. We had only written messages since I left because my Dad thought it would be “too expensive” if we would call each other as much as we were used to.

“How are things going over there? What have I missed?”

“Oh things are like you left them! But guess who is dating now!” she gasped and my eyes widened.

“Don’t tell me you are finally dating Harry!” I heard her giggle and took it as a confirmation. “OMG Kate I’m so happy for you! You are finally dating Harry the hottest guy at our school! Well your school. It’s great you are calling me to tell me that”

People around me started to get angry and I tried to send them an apologizing look to comfort them. Kate was silent at the other end of the line. I wrinkled my forehead at this. Shouldn’t she freak out because she was dating Harry, the Harry she had a crush for since they were together in one and the same class? This girl was acting strange.

“Well Mia there is another reason I’m calling you... “She started and then stopped as if she was searching the right words to tell me. “I’M GOING TO VISIT YOU IN GERMANY”

A Never-Ending Nightmare: Followed by the Future (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now