friend or enemy?

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Hey guys :)

i know i didn't update the last week because I was kind of busy so sorry for that :) But I'm updating now so I hope you like it! It's a longer Chapter this time.

So don't forget to support this story :D


...If anything happens to her now it’s my entire fault. I run back into the building as fast as I can. I have problems breathing but I can’t stop now! I reach the Cafeteria again and then continue running straight ahead. That is the Moment I hear her shouting another time. I’m not able to think anymore. I don’t want to think about all that’s happening. I just want to leave this place.

The door leading to the room is getting closer and I’m slowing down. She is in there! I don’t know where the others are but at first I need to find her. I see her lying on the floor. Her face is covered with blood. I immediately feel dizzy. She sees me and her eyes widen.

“Mia what the hell are you doing here?!” she hissed at me.

“I’m here to help you! I’m here to help you all.” I answered and helped standing up. The wound on her temple is still bleeding, but I just need to ignore it!

“You have to leave! I always knew he was dangerous, I always said that!”

“I’m not leaving without you” I say one last time towards Lea and then we start running again…

The next morning I woke up with the worst headache I ever had. My first thought was that I desperately needed some pills for that. I needed a few seconds to realize that I didn’t have a clue what happened the day before. The last thing I could remember was that we ate dinner with Tanja and James. Then we left and went to meet some of James friends. I could remember how Julia who was also there looked at me as if she wanted to kill me with her gaze and then started to flirt with James. That was the last thing I could remember. 

I tried to stand up, which turned out to be a bad idea, so I tried to sleep again. My eyes fell on my alarm and I cried out. It was 10.30 I missed class! I abruptly stood up and ran to the kitchen where I hoped to find some pills against the pain growing in my head. But what I met there surprised me.

“What are you doing in my kitchen?!”

“Hey babe” James answered smiling “my Dad asked me to look after you while he is at work today. Are you searching these?” He gave me one of the pills and then a glass of water. I took them and looked at him. He was inspecting me from head to foot and I blushed as I realized that I was only wearing my underwear and a short shirt.

“I have to admit you look hot babe” James commented and I rushed to my room to prepare for school. If I hurried up, I would maybe be able to be on time for my biology lesson.  I ran into my bathroom and brushed my teeth and put on the first things I found in my room.

In the meantime saw James entering my room. “Are you alright Mia?” he asked. I decided to ignore him and started searching my books, but he interrupted me.

“Hey… Hey stop that you are not going to school today!”

“Sure I will I’ll maybe be on time if…” I answered but he stopped me.

“Oh no you will stay home and get some rest! Do you hear me?! You are not going to leave this flat until your Dad comes home!” I was still packing my school bad but I felt the anger growing with every word which came out of his mouth. And that in addition to my headache was terrible. Damn this boy made ​​me really aggressive!

A Never-Ending Nightmare: Followed by the Future (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now