Don't know anything

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Okay i'm baaack :) 

Sorry for not updating for so long but i wasn't home so i couldn't write the next chapter...

but now I'm back with a new chapter for you! Support if you like this one.


“Mh Mia you look beautiful as always” he speaks with his usual dark voice. I freeze recognizing the voice. No! It can’t be him. Why would he do this? No no NO!!!

“What do you want?” I try to sound braver than I actually feel in this moment. I feel Lea still shaking on my side while HE starts laughing.

“Oh Mia I see you are still feisty… What I want? I think you know why I’m here! I have some things to sort out with you.”

“Okay then let’s sort out things” Even in the dim light I see his eyes widen. He is surprised. I hear Lea gasp and I lock my eyes with his staring angrily at him. “But…”

“But what?” he nearly screams.

“But you have to let go of Lea. You already hurt her enough it’s not her fault. Let her go!"

 “Shit I shouldn’t have told you” I heard Lea’s voice, but she seemed to be far away. Her hand was stroking my back.  I was still standing in the hallway, staring into nothing.

Thousands of pictures started passing through my mind: Pictures of a happy Lea, kissing James and having a good time with him, pictures of Lea crying at night, alone so that no one saw how much she suffers, and then memories of James bringing me a cup of tea and caring for me.

“Mia come on lets go to class now… we are already late” The voice spoke once again.

I was a fool. After what James did for me I began changing my opinion about him. He was still annoying yes but I started to like him; I started to believe that he could be a really good friend. But now I knew what my friends said about him was right and I was completely wrong believing that.

“Lea you can go to class I’m skipping. Tell Miss Gros I’m not feeling good okay?” I said emotionless and turned to walk away. I heard her still speaking to me but I wanted to leave as fast as possible.

My thoughts were elsewhere as I passed the now familiar corridors leading outside. Once I left the building I sat down on an old bench. The wind blew my hair into my face but I couldn’t care less. I felt nothing, I felt somehow empty. I was staring into nothing again not realizing what surrounded me. I don’t know how long I sat there but I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped and turned around to see who scared me.

It was James staring at me with a worried expression. I suddenly felt an anger rise up in me which I couldn’t explain.  That was the moment I acted spontaneously and without thinking for the first time. I slapped him. He gasped as his cheek became red, showing the outlines my hand left on it.

“That’s for being such an asshole!” I simply hissed.

“Mia what have I done to you?” he asked confused, but angry at the same time.

“You hurt my best friend! Do you know how much you hurt her?” I now screamed at him and tried to slap him again, but he had seen it coming and just kept my arm firmly.

“I know how much I hurt her! Do you think I was happy about it?! No! I felt so damn guilty! I loved Lea!” he yelled back at me. Now I felt tears falling down my cheeks.

“Why did you kiss another girl? You are an idiot James! You broke her heart!”

“It wasn’t me kissing her! SHE kissed ME!” James grabbed my shoulders and shook me. “Mia, why the hell are you acting like this? It’s none of your business anyway!”

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2013 ⏰

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