wanna dance?

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Hey you! :)

That's the third chapter now :) Hope you like and enjoy it!

Please comment, vote and follow you don't know how much it helps me to know that someone ist actually reading the story and maybe likes it so i don't write it needlessly...


I slowly walked through the city and let the new but familiar impressions affect me. It was Saturday afternoon and I was a bit surprised. Although I saw a few couples every now and then or small groups who went from shop to shop-in their hands they were already holding loads of shopping bags-, the crowd I expected was missing.

For a while I watched the different shops and store windows, which were shining bright in contrast to the grey colors of the street I was going on. Sometimes there was a warm gust of wind coming out of the doors and straight to me. The last years it had changed a lot. Lots of shops I still remembered were missing-some of them were my favorite shops- and now they were replaced by new ones, better ones, who were waiting for their customers.

After some time I turned off and reached one of the smaller side streets. I stopped so I could look where I had gone. Even here there were a few shops, but something else caught my attention this time. A large white sign lit up at me.

Dance school: Pirouette

I quickly went toward the entrance and pulled the door, but it didn’t open.

‘Damn Mia can’t you read?! You have to push the door!’


Nerved about the fact, that I did the same error for years now, I rolled my eyes and entered the long, dark hallway. Soft classic music reached my ear and I followed the melody, but now carefully so that nobody would see me. I passed many doors of which I could see, that they were some wardrobes and dancehalls.  

Continuing following the music, i arrived to a staircase which leaded upstairs. Now I also heard a voice shouting some instructions and then I heard the music stop.

“Tell me Julia, where are you with your thoughts today?! I don’t know you that way! I have already told you a hundred times, that you should stretch your feet! Try to concentrate!” the voice shouted at someone reproachfully and I went upstairs as quiet as possible. Under those circumstances it wasn’t that easy for me.

“I’m sorry Mrs. Dubonet. It will never happen again I promise! It's just that I...”

Now there was another, thinner voice speaking, apologizing quietly.

"I don't want to know about your problems! All i want is that you concentrate on your choreography. Is that clear now?" There was no answer from the thinner voice so i asumed she nodded. 

By now I reached the last stair and saw a door. It was almost closed, but there was a gap through which I could watch into the dancehall. In front of me I saw a big room. Two of the walls were mirrored and in front of the third wall many ballet bars had been set up. In one of the corners I saw an enormous stereo, which was operated by an old woman with a remote control.

“Okay start again!” she shouted and the music started for the second time.

The young dancer, who probably was at my age, began her passes. Her light brown hair was as usual tied up into a bun. They both didn’t seem to notice me, until the girl danced in my direction and stopped her choreography. The music immediately stopped and before the old women of whom I knew from the Dialog she was Mrs. Dubonet could say something to her I decided to knock at the door.

I slowly entered the dance hall. The two pair of eyes were looking at me and I swallowed quickly.

“Ähm I’m really sorry if I’ve interrupted the training, but I saw the dance school and I only wanted to look at it and then I heard the music from downstairs, so I came up here…” I began speaking.

“Well you see the dance school is closed today, so you have to come back another time.” she replied me irritated. Now I had gone the whole way even if it was a coincidence that I ended up there, I didn’t want to leave without any “success”. 

 “I saw the training -unintentionally of course- and I was at the dance academy in London the past two years and it’s difficult to find a dance school in Cologne that is as good as the Academy. But your school seems to be quite good…”

“You say from London?” Mrs. Dubonet looked skeptically at me. “And so you wanted to start dancing here or did I understand something wrong?” She raised one of her thin and perfectly shaped eyebrows at me and I swallowed another time. 

“At first I thought I could maybe participate to some dance lessons so I can look if we are on the same level and to compare it to London…The sooner the better!”

Mrs. Dubonet’s eyes wandered between me and the young dancer. She remained quiet all the time and followed the conversation.

“As soon as possible you say? Even now?” she raised her thin eyebrows at me. I was really shocked. I wasn’t prepared!

“I’d love to but I haven’t brought all I need for the training Mrs…”

“Dubonet!” she said finishing my sentence and then asked me: “ And what’s your name, girl?”

“Mia, Mia Felders” She nodded and then turned to the dancer, who was still standing in the middle of the dance floor.

“Julia did you bring your second tricot?” she nodded. “Well then can you please give it to Mia, I want to see her dance! Now! I will give you a pair of my slippers. Go change now. In 15 minutes I want you to be back.”

I nodded confused by her reaction and then followed Julia to the wardrobe. 

15 minutes later I came back into the dancehall wearing Julias tricot and a pair of ballett slippers. Both - the tricot and the slippers- weren't fitting like they should. 

'Great! Why did you had to say that?! The sooner the better are you crazy?' In my thoughts i was screaming at myself.you think I'm crazy? yeah your probably right.

"Okay ladies let's start!" It was Mme Dubonet shouting that and we took position at one of the bars. 

A Never-Ending Nightmare: Followed by the Future (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now