Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

 I trudged up the steps to the DWMA, why was I here? Well for one, I met the Death the Kid, not some cosplayer, and since Kid is real, then Death City had to be real, and it was, everything was real! I could not believe it. I seemed like I was dreaming, but I knew I wasn't because I pinched my arm at least twelve times…or was it 88? I think I stopped counting after 80….

Oh how silly of me! I almost forgot, hi I am Deirdre; I am fourteen years old and going into my freshman year of high school soon. In my last chapter I told you about when I met the Death the Kid, and then I decided, why not make this a chapter story? So what I did with my summer break was go on a hunt for it, and now I am documenting my findings! I have traveled the Nevada Desert, traveled across the United States, and made sure to look cool when doing so.

But now, I was tired and sweat was across my eyebrow, I had my last bottle of water 5 minutes ago, but my tongue was still dry. Water, I needed ice cold water! Where do I get it? And then I bumped into something, and land on my butt. Not graceful, but at least I didn't, oh wait I did hurt my butt.

"What the fudge?" I asked myself, looking up at a guy who was smiling like a Cheshire cat. Did I know this guy? Well of course I do! I wouldn't be a Soul Eater freak if I didn't know who the Amazing Black*Star is!

I quickly stood up and bowed before him.

"You're Godliness." I said formally. He laughed like a maniac and pointed at me.

"It's about time someone recognized my true form! State your name, mortal!" He told him. I nodded and kept bowing.

"I am Deirdre Jane McIntosh, I am from a land far, far, far, far, far away and I am looking for the DWMA!" I told him proudly. He nodded in agreement and slung his arm over my shoulder.

"Well, here it is! Now, would you like a tour?" He asked, I nodded and followed the God around the school. "So, what are you a weapon or Meister?" he asked.

"I have no idea!" I told him, waving my fist in the air. He smiled and hugged me.

"We are going to be great friends!" He told me. I smiled.

"Hey, do you know a place to stay, I'm kind of broke at the moment and I don't have any place to charge my computer battery. You see I met Death the Kid at the mall and I came here and I kind of promised my readers on that I would make the story a chapter story if I got enough reviews and I did so I have to keep my promise, so yeah." I explained to him.

"Have no fear, mortal, I'll find you someone!" He told me loudly. I smiled in agreement when the intercom crackled to life.

"Black*Star please report to the Death Room, along with your friend, Black*Star please report to the Death Room, thank you."

"I hope were not in trouble." I said quietly. Black*Star then grabbed my hand and pulled me to the Death Room.

"Don't worry; a big shot like me never gets in trouble! So you have nothing to fear!" He tells me. I nod and run with him.

When we got to the Death Room, I would like to say that we slowed down, but I would be lying, instead we went faster until we got to Lord Death's mirror. I gazed at it, amazed that I was finally here, after all of these years!

"Hellooo, well who is this young lady?" Lord Death asked me.

"I'm Deirdre Jane McIntosh, and I am here because I promised faithful readers on that I would make a chapter story with a fic I was writing!" I told him. He laughed. He seriously just laughed, and then I went all Avatar State on him! Wait no; I didn't. When did Avatar the last airbender get in this story? Just go away you're not in this story, deal with it!

Anyway, what really happened was he laughed and I gave him a very serious expression which made him stop laughing.

"So, you traveled all the way here to get some stuff?" He asked.

"Yes, sir," I said. He laughed again and I sighed.

"Well, I think you should tell your family goodbye!" He told me.

"Why would I do that? I promised I would be back by the end of the summer!" I told him, furious about what was happening.

"Because you are a Meister, you need to train, and I have the perfect weapon for you! Oh, Calcifer, would you come here?"

Now I would like to say that a totally nice guy walked in with a smile on his face, or even a welcoming face, but no I got a completely stoic guy who had his hands in his pockets and looked like he didn't care, I didn't like him.

"Calcifer, this is Deirdre, she will be your Meister." Lord Death told him. He shrugged and I scowled. Why couldn't I have gotten a nice guy who was happy about everything?

Now I would like to say that my first day at the DWMA was awesome and amazing, but that would be an understatement. Every time I would try to talk to Calcifer he would blow me off, but at least I had Black*Star who was totally cool, and I said hi to Kid, and he said hi back! My fangirl meter went up and broke.

And now I am cozy in bed, well at least Calcifer has a nice apartment, I unpacked my few belongings and already said my goodbyes to my family, and they will be sending me the rest of my stuff as the week progresses. Well that is it for this week, or today, oh well; I got to get to sleep I have school tomorrow, goodnight my faithful readers!

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