Chapter 8

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I hate my life, I hate my life, I HATE MY LIFE! Okay, so the first day of practice was all like 'Now, Deirdre, kiss Calcifer' and I was all like 'What?'

So, first rehearsal sucked, because I had to kiss him…my life…why did I even audition? Wait, Lord Death would've just put the role on me…he is plotting something…yes he is. I wonder what!

"YUCK! GROSS! I NEED MOUTHWASH AND FAST!" I shouted as Calcifer and I got into the apartment. I raced to the bathroom and took out the mouthwash and started to purify my mouth.

"Deirdre, you're overreacting…again. It wasn't that bad!" Calcifer told me. I spit the mouthwash in the sink and looked at him.

"Wasn't that bad? Wasn't that bad? I HAD TO KISS YOU EVEN THOUGH I AM FOREVER FAITHFUL TO MY KID! Don't give me that look Calcifer! I know he is dating Patty, but that-that-that…I NEED A NEW TEAM!" I wail.

"Shhh, don't wake the neighbors, Deirdre!" Calcifer told me.

"WAIT! KID IS HOSTING A PARTY TONIGHT RIGHT?" I ask. Calcifer nods and looks at me skeptically.

"Yeah, why?" He asks.

"KID IS HOT SO THERE ARE BOUND TO BE HOT GUYS THERE!" I say excitedly. I start jumping up and down and then I whipped out the computer.

Okay, first review goes out to….Selena1234 Hi again!

Aww, Bonne anneversair!


Also, mon amie, I would gladly do the coverpage for the fanfic, if you give me a really REALLY detailed desc. of Cal :)

Au Revoir,

A lazy person who didn't sign in this morning

Thanks for your review! And, I'll send you the details of him later! Next reviewer is…Symmetryforever

Loving this story so much. It's way too hilarious.

They should have a limit to how awesome stories can be.

I think Lord Death changed the script on purpose..hehe.

Tell me about it! Ugh, I just want to know if he has a shipping wall that he has in his death room somewhere….(hehehe, Homestuck reference if anyone caught that!) Our next reviewer is Vivi the Vixen

what happened with Stein? I wish to know deidei-chan!

About Stein….I honestly have no idea what happened to him…if you're talking about the time where he caught me on my computer…well…that is to not be spoken of….I still have nightmares from that day, how he almost dissected me…moving on! Our next lovely reviewer is amberivy

i love this story. i havent been able to read it in forever because i've been grounded and i was banned from fanfiction but now im back and i love your story! update soon, for your loving fans! :3

Thank you for liking my story! I really like being loved! I do…even though I don't act like I do…I just don't like being touched whenever I am not expecting it! Our last reviewer is Shannon quickdagger

:) nice

Thank you for thinking my story is nice! Blog…thing…I have no idea what to think of this anymore… 'The Diary of a Teenage Girl who never gets the boy that she has been totally crushing on because he goes out with some other lady and then she falls in love with her super smexy weapon and then they get married and have attractive children?'

Major spoiler alert! I need to learn how to keep my mouth shut! Maybe I can see into the future…will I see a Calcifer…or a super-hot guy that is friends with Kid?

Ah, perhaps not! Hahaha, oh, I am so funny! Months have passed since our first encounter, and my birthday is coming up! My fifteenth birthday…he better be getting me something good!

I close my laptop and go in my room to find something awesome to wear! I look through my drawers and find some black tights, a short Hot Topic skirt, a nice looking black and gray long-sleeved shirt, and ballet flats. I am going to look good!

I then put my hair up in a bun and then applied some black eyeliner. Okay, now I am soo going to look good, and I got rid of the breast pad…awww yeah!

I got out of my room and Calcifer was sitting on the couch, flipping through channels since he finally paid the TV bill…it's about time!

Calcifer looks up at me and it looks like he was about to pass out.

"Deirdre, is that…really you?" He asks. I nod to him and twirl.

"I'm cute! And, you have finally noticed that! Now, let's go! And don't worry, I have an invitation!" I told him truthfully. I got one from Patty a few days ago, telling me that if Calcifer and I could, we should go. Calcifer looked at me and shook his head.

"We can't, Deirdre." He tells me.

"And why not?" I whine.

"The game is on!" I look over his shoulder and see a football game on. I roll my eyes and went over to the TV and turned it off. He looked at me blankly for a few moments, just looking at me as though I committed a crime.

"You just turned off the game." He mumbles. I took his hand and pulled him up, using all of my body weight to get him off of his ass.

"I can't believe that you did that…" he says.

"Well, I did, now you got to deal with it! There is more to life than football!" I complain to him.

"And, there is more to life than shipping and looking at new animes to watch." He mumbles. I look at him dead in the eye.

"DON'T EVEN JOKE ABOUT THAT!" I yell, earning a few complaints from the people sleeping inside their comfy apartments. I even got a lady to open her door and roll her eyes. I think I heard her say something about kids, and having boyfriends and girlfriends, I could be wrong though!

Once we arrive at Kid's mansion, Patty was there to greet us with a happy smile.

"Welcome!" She says. I smile back to her, wanting to out-smile her. I couldn't though, not without looking like a freak. Kid came out, and I swooned slightly, but not too much to look like a freak.

"Deirdre, Calcifer, how good of you two to come." Kid said, he smiled at us. I smiled back, and glared at the hand around Kid's waist. Ugh, if only I didn't go to my parents' house. I could still have a chance! I wish that I didn't. "Please, come inside."

We nodded and went into the mansion. I began scouting for hot men, but every hot guy was with a girl. I grumbled, and looked around. This was a horrible night.

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