Chapter 7

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Okay, now, I would love to say that my time with my family was splendid and awesome, and I loved seeing everyone again, but I would be lying. Every day, my brother and I constantly fought, and he even punched me in the rib before after I lightly tapped him, and then he accused me of being like my cousin, which I am not, since I am focusing on my schoolwork, helped him clean his room voluntarily, and played video games with him. And he calls me not nice…

Now, I am back in Death City…with Calcifer's parents and his four siblings. All the things that they have asked me if I was a good cleaner, who did the cooking, and what my weapon form was like, and they asked me to show them how we are in battle. Let's just say that I got sick and could not handle being in weapon form, but I did tell them that I was a scythe…I am so happy that I was an experienced liar.

His mother was certainly not pleased that we didn't have a chef doing all of the cooking, and not pleased once she found out that I cooked for the morning and Calcifer cooked for the middle of the day and the evenings. She wasn't pleased either once she found out I did all of the cleaning. She made me take two showers so I wouldn't be dirty after I was done cleaning once.

His father wasn't much better since he was really perverted. He wouldn't stop touching me after dinner once…he even touched my breast before and made a pleased sound too. I am dying! Worse revenge plan ever! This was totally a backfire!

"Are you happy now?" Calcifer asked one night once we were in bed. We have to share a room since his parents have taken over his room. And his siblings are in the two spare bedrooms.

"No, and I am certainly not happy that we have to share a bed!" I complain. Yes, a tragedy indeed. And it was another tragedy that when Calcifer and I got back from my parents place, that I found out Kid and Patty were…DATING! I cried for about twenty minutes…just when I thought Patty was my friend, she had to go behind my back and steal Kid from me!

"Deirdre, you have a lisp." Calcifer tells me bluntly.

"I have my retainer in!" I yell. It was true. Retainers suck. "Calcifer, hand me your computer, I have to look at the reviews!" I tell him. He sighs and gives me the computer that we share. "I hope you know that you're changing your desktop."

"Why? I think it looks cute." He whispers.

"No, it's not." I whisper to him back.

"Calcifer, what is going on in here?" A female voice says as the lights turn on.

"Ahh, bright light! I am a Gremlin! I can't see light!" I complain.

"Deirdre, it's just the light, plus it's sunlight that they can't see." Calcifer tells me as he shoves me lightly. I turn to see a girl with long red hair that matched Cal's and bright blue eyes. Oh, it's Catherine.

"I heard screaming." She said.

"I was telling Deirdre over here that she has a lisp. She says she has her retainer in. That's all, Cat."

"You don't do that, Cal, that's just rude." I murmur.

"She is the exact opposite of Persephone. It's nice to see that you are expanding your horizons, Little Brother. Plus, Deirdre is really cute." She tells him.

"I'm not looking for a relationship!" I tell her. She looks at me, cocking a dark red eyebrow.

"She is suffering from a broken heart." Calcifer explains. "The guy that she really likes just got a girlfriend and she is really sour from it."

I mumble something under my breath and look at the computer to see that it was on the desktop. On it, I was sleeping, looking absolutely adorable. I click on Google chrome and then type in yahoo. It took a few seconds once it was loaded up. I look at the mail thing to see that I had a lot of mail.

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