Chapter 9: Birthday Special

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I wake up early because…well…it's my birthday of course! I mean, if it is something special, and important, then I want to go….duh! I am still bummed out about Kid's party because I never meant any attractive guy who was not taken by some girl.

Now, I take a shower and a pretty long one since I want to smell like roses and lilacs and other nice smelling things…like cake! Especially chocolate cake…I want some!

After being in the shower for about forty minutes, I hear banging on the bathroom door.

"What?" I yell over the sound of the nice hot water…I love this shower, never losing its hot water, unlike my house…glad I moved out, glad I came here, glad I met Calcifer, glad that I-WHAT AM I THINKING? Ah, never mind!

"Deirdre, how long will it take you? Come on, I actually want to do something with you for your birthday, plus I have a surprise for you waiting out here!" Calcifer told me.

"About another hour, geez, Calcifer, don't you know how hard it is to wash long hair AND shave pretty much every part of your body so you can be squeaky clean…and silky…and soft to touch…AND NOT HAIRY?! And yes, I am talking about my arms…at least they weren't as bad as my mother's…I just got her back…her dinosaur back…and I am the closest one to her arms…and I even got her temper…and-OH MY GOSH I AM LIKE MY MOTHER! This is a shocker!" I tell myself.

"Deirdre, just hurry up!" He begs me. I roll my eyes and tune him out. I continue washing myself and shaving myself.

After another hour of this, I get out of the shower and wrap myself up in a fluffy light blue towel. It's so soft! I like this towel, it smells like flowers.

I dry myself and then I put on some clothes that I put in here with me, just some nice jeans and my Slytherin shirt with my green tie, I treasure this shirt, it's my favorite shirt, a very nice thing to wear, especially for your birthday! I just need to show my house some support! Slytherins are not all mean and evil; we just have the word sly in our name because we are like foxes…as sly as a fox as I always say.

I clip on the clip-on tie and then wrap my hair in the same fluffy blue towel, my winter boots on my feet. What? That's where I keep my phone! It is a very nice place because why would a sane person go into someone's boot? I am such a good person!

I walk out of the bathroom and see the faces of my sisters, my mother, my father, and my brother. Oh, a birthday miracle…did Cal make them come over here to wish me a happy birthday?

"Happy birthday, Dee!" Ellie and Sarah shout together. They run to hug me, and it looks like Ellie has bought me something!

"Here, did you know they have a Build -a -Bear here? This place is neat!" Ellie told me. No I didn't actually.

I take the box from her and look inside and there, in the box is a Pinky Pie Build-a-Bear. I gave Ellie a smile and hug her.

"Thank you so much, Ellie!" I thank her. I hear a meow and I look over to see Cutie walking over to me.

"CUTIE! Mommy missed you so much my sweet little kitty!" I coo to her. She meows cutely again, begging me to pick her up.

"She is from me. Took me forever to convince Vince, he got a new cat since Mom felt bad that he "had" to hand over Cutie over to you." Sarah told me.

"That is not true!" My mother said, but we all knew that it was the truth, and that it was true. Mom would do anything for Vincent.

"Well, thank you very much! So, how are you all?" I asked. I got mixed reactions; my brother said that he was great (what else is new? He is practically an only child!) My sisters said that school was fine, and things were good. My daddy said that it has been less noisy since I left, and really empty in the house, and my mother said the same thing as my dad.

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