Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

All right, time to check my email! I thought to myself as I opened my yahoo. Let's see…facebook, deviantart, facebook, Love Cupid…the fuck? Anyway, oh wait…jackpot! A new review!

Haha! And Calcifer said I wouldn't get any reviews! This will show him, that idiot! Okay…it's from TwinsAreAwesome1 cool beans, let's read it.

I don't think it's stupid, it's really good! :D

Why thank you very much!

"Deirdre, stop stalking your Yahoo, it's time for school!" Calficer yelled. I frowned and shut my computer shut. I grumbled as I got off the bed and went over to the dresser where I kept my clothes. I quickly grabbed a blue shirt and dark blue jeans and put them on. I then brushed my hair and out it into a ponytail.

I heard Calcifer shout as I went to my closet.

"Deirdre, let's go!" He called.

"Alright, don't get your panties in a bunch!" I yelled back pulling on some socks and my sneakers. Man, Calcifer can be so impatient sometimes; well at least I have one thing to look forward to when I go to school, Kid. He is just so perfect!

"Deirdre, come on!" He called again just as I walked out. I scowled and wacked him as I passed by him. He was way too impatient.

"Deirdre, come on! Come on, Deirdre get off your ass and do something! Deirdre, we're late to school! Deirdre, stop stalking your Yahoo!" I mimicked. To me, it was the perfect expression of him, but apparently to him it did not sound like him at all.

"Nice try, but better luck next time." He told me. I rolled my eyes and made a little puppet hand.

"Nice try, but better luck next time!" I mimicked again. He scowled and tugged on my pony tail. Was this guy really trying to piss me off?

"Stop!" I yelled.

"Stop!" He mimicked. I pouted and crossed my arms. Now, I would've smacked him, but he is my partner and all and I should try to be nice-no never mind, Maka gives Soul Maka chops! So I punched, slapped, kicked, and then I ran because he was fuming.

"DEIRDRE JANE MCINTOSH, GET YOURSELF OVER HERE!" He yelled. Instead of following his directions, I ran, thanking everything in my power that I was in track.

"NOT UNTIL YOU PAY THE CABLE BILL!" I yelled back. Seriously, I've been missing the Legend of Korra because someone won't get off of his fine ass! Seriously, he has a nice butt, but he isn't very nice, and he has an attractive face when he actually smiles…NO! TEAM DEATH THE KID!

"I DID PAY IT! YESTERDAY!" He yelled. That was a lie! On so many levels! I continued to run until I bumped into someone…seriously in like every chapter I bump into someone!

"Oh, Deirdre, good morning," Kid greeted, his soothing voice music to my ears. I got up and went behind him…symmetrically of course.

"Save me! He woke me up early for school again and now he is going to kill me!" I whispered. Kid looked at me skeptically before shaking his head.

"Deirdre, today is Sunday, we don't have school." He told me. What? Did he just say we didn't have school? CALCIFER! I hate him! It's official! I am going to murder him!

"CALCIFER!" I yelled. "WE DON'T HAVE SCHOOL? WHAT? I DON'T LIKE THE EARLY MORNINGS!" I yelled as I tugged on his ear, going home.

"Get off of me!" He yelled. I shot him a dirty look.

"You should've thought of that BEFORE you woke me up early!" I yelled.

"I didn't wake you up!" He defended.

"You should know by now that when I am on my computer then I am asleep." I told him before dragging him some more. All the way to the apartment that we shared; as we walked, I kept talking about how it wasn't wise to pull me off of my computer when I could be doing something. I wacked him a couple of times with my free hand.

Once we were in the apartment, I ordered him to make me a sandwich as punishment. He groaned of course but made me a sandwich. At least my weapon listens to me.

After I told him to make me a sandwich, I turned off my lights and dove into my heap of blankets and buried myself in it. I then logged into my computer.

Time to check my reviews for this story~ okay, first review is from TheAwezumcherrysempai.

I feel inspired to write one of these things xD I saw a Kid Plushie at my flea market, I wasn't into Soul Eater yet, but looking back, I WANT THAT DOLL NOW TT^TT Anyways, I probably would've done the same thing if he ripped up the Plushie xD

YES! I love writing stories about how I met Death the Kid! It is amazing and I will look forward to reading it…in fact, I'll go see if you made on after I am done writing my entry.

Next one…wow I have two this time :3. Anyway, this was from alonesong. Okay, let's read this.

XD I couldn't help but laugh while reading this.

Well thank you! I am thinking about becoming a comedian when I grow up! But of course, Calcifer, being the stick in the mud he is will not allow me.

Just then, Calcifer came in with my sammich!

"Here," he says, putting the sammich in front of my face. I look at it, it is BEAUTFUL! Too bad I'm going to eat it!

I took the plate from him and take the sammich into both of my hands and take a big bite from out of it. I continue to eat the sammich as Calcifer is waiting to take the plate away from me.

I then give him the plate. "Tank you for the wonderful sammich that you have brought me!" I thank rather cutely. Calcifer rolls his eyes and licks his thumb and places it on the corner of my mouth. I couldn't help but blush at this…NO! TEAM DEATH THE KID FOREVER!

Okay, we all know that he is going out with one of the Thompson sisters, but a girl can dream right?

"You had mustard there." He tells me. So now he tells me! After putting Calcifer germs on me!

"I could have removed it myself! I am a big girl now! Just like those kids on the pull-ups commercials! I mean they finally graduated to pull-ups! I wonder if they hold a ceremony for them. Oh, that would be awkward!" I ramble.

"Deirdre, I don't think they hold ceremonies for kids who graduated-"

"They do in The Giver, Calcifer, they do in The Giver." I tell him.

"You actually read that book?" He asked.

"Yes, now let me enjoy my imagination of seeing this glorious ceremony when kids graduate from their diapers to pull-ups!"

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