Book Two: Believing in Us

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"Meeting you was fate,

becoming your friend was a choice,

but falling in love with you was beyond my control."

~ unknown



June 13th, 2015

Dear Jay,

I've always known, I was destined for greatness; was that just Voight's confidence, I can no longer remember; for you alone have shown that I have greatness inside of me. You have taught me what it means to be my best self, and to never lose that. Your confidence in our partnership kept me strong. Knowing we had each other's backs, was important to me after everything we went through. Losing you as my partner was the worst thing I had to endure, but no matter how brief it may have been, I always knew I had you in my corner. When I suggested "Maybe one day!", nothing would have prepared me for your response, you took my breath away that night, forever. I am so lucky to have you as my partner in life now. I will forever have your back from this moment forward. I love you, with all of my heart.


Dear Erin,

I've always known, my parents expect me to take care of those I care about. I was taught this at a very young age, but it was not until we became partners that I truly understood. I never wanted to see you in pain. I never wanted to see you hurting. I never wanted you to lose yourself. I tried everything in my power to abide by my parents expectation and Voights' but one of them got lost in translation, and taking care of you is one of the highlights of my life, besides seeing your beautiful smile and hearing your adorable laugh. Oh, definitely one day is today, and I will forever have your back from this moment forward. I love you, with all of my heart.


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