Chapter One: A Rift In The Makeup

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This story will have a case that is extreme. Please know that the details of the case - names, streets, locations, functionality, etc - I chose are fictional. All main characters and memorable buildings are based on the TV shows Chicago PD and Chicago Fire on NBC. All Rights Reserved.

Jay Halstead

January 7th, 2015

District 21 of Illinois


8:00 AM CST

The guys and I were getting ready for the briefing on our first case of the year when Olinsky walked in with Voight from his office. We were a little apprehensive to start this case since Erin left. Currently no one took her position, but Voight had a few names in the running to fill her shoes. He would not say who those names were, but we had a few guesses and suspicions. He is quite particular when it comes to Intelligence; he would not just choose someone to take over Erin's responsibility he was not familiar with, she is the closest thing he has to a daughter.

Voight began to inform us of the case at hand when his phone rang. Although none of us could see who it was, he seemed very anxious to answer it, and that was not normal behavior for him. Most days he would let it go to voicemail. He walked out of the room so fast we could hardly hear him say "Talk to me" to the caller. As I glanced around the room, it was evident in the expressions on the guy's faces as well as Nadia's that Voight was acting unusual.

11:00 AM CST

Hours passed since Voight answered the phone. Today started out like an ordinary day in Intelligence, but it was clear it would not end the same way. For the time being, we started with the substantial proof Voight gave us-names, addresses and routes in Chicago-we would find anything we could to share with him once he returned. Atwater was able to find multiple license plates registered to the addresses we were given; I could tell he noticed something strange. He was getting ready to call dealerships when Voight walked in. I have only seen him like this from time to time, Voight was usually very stubborn after phone calls, and he only smiled when...within minutes I made the connection. I knew who was on the other end of the line.

"Listen Up!' he said in a cheerful tone, 'Change of plans! Not only are we working this case, but we are going to take it on from a different direction.'" We looked at each other confused. "What other direction is there exactly then how we always sealed the case? Sure, the techniques we use are different then the common approach, because of his beliefs but we never liked the common methods." Jay thought. Voight cleared his throat, "Believe me, I would not be saying this if it was not right for us. One of our own needs our help. Lindsay trusts us to be the eyes and ears of Task Force on this case. I told her we would be honored, and on our way over once I prepared you guys. Let's go!" We grabbed our jackets and left.

Federal Task Force of Illinois

Evergreen Park (30 Minutes away)

12:00 PM CST

I'm not going to lie; I thought driving without her was going to be harder than I could handle. I think Atwater could see I was hurting so he decided to drive with me and opened the passenger door. I shook my head before I opened mine. When I sat down I gave him a look. "Man what was that? We both know you drive and I'm the passenger. Why did you decide to take shotgun?" Kevin hesitated, "You and I both know you are struggling without her man. I saw you glancing in her direction a couple times, by accident or repetition I do not care. But you need to drive to take your mind off of losing her as your partner." I understood where he was coming from, but all I could do in response was nod my head. I started the car and put it in reverse, I looked over and I could tell we were on the same page. I was grateful he was willing to let me do this.

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