Moving on

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-Emma's POV-

DJ texted me saying her plane was landing. I scanned the food chain restaurants around me to see a Chipotle, a McDonalds, and a Taco Bell. I decided to get Taco Bell because tacos are AMAZING!!!! Reminds me of the New Years party.... The start of everything. Still eating Taco Bell.

I walked over and couldn't believe my eyes. I saw him.... I saw Brandon, he was hugging some girl. He must have noticed me, but I turned and ran to DJ's terminal and saw her. She came up to me and I kept my stone cold face.

"Emma, you saw something, I can see it in your eyes," DJ said.... FUDGE IT.

I started crying and many people stared. I started explaining everything to her, everything. I stood there crying, letting everything out. The tears started to slow down till I was only sniffling.

DJ couldn't keep up, so I just stopped and pointed to Brandon, standing next to a different girl, and DJs mood changed right away.

She look so concerned and I couldn't bare to see Brandon, we quickly rushed out of the airport and headed to a hotel, and looked up stuff about our area.

It was a peaceful area, but a lot of people lived here. There were a lot of stores nearby, and not to costly.

We ended up renting a room in the hotel until we found an apartment to move into, and once we had the money.

We haven't eaten anything all day so we ran to Dominos Pizza and grabbed a pizza, and headed back to our hotel.

Once we started to calm down, we ran into a problem... Lachlan.

He started blowing up my phone with messages saying he had to leave for Australia and that he is so sorry, and that he will find me.

I just turned the notifications off and we turned on the tv. But now I felt kinda bad. All alone again....

We set up all of our stuff and organized the room. But once we started unpacking, it came to me that I had left my companion behind... My poor puppy.... But I had to, as much as it pains me. And it also seemed that DJ had left her snake behind. Well, we both did what had to be done...

"So, Emma. Should we get jobs or something? You know... To afford an apartment? I mean, I brought money but I didn't bring enough for an apartment building." DJ asked.

"I have my laptop, maybe we can start a new channel as completely different people? Like vlogs and stuff!" I exclaimed. I've always wanted to start a different channel and do stuff that wasn't about video games.

"I don't know, what if a viewer recognizes us, what do we do then?" DJ questioned. I thought for a while. Maybe that wasn't the best idea. It wasn't like us.

"Maybe you can still be an editor and I can still record!" I explained how we can be completely different people but still play video games. Get new friends and stay away from our old ones.

"Some people may recognize our voices!" she responded, she had a good point though.

"Look Emma, I know how much you don't like working but we have to get a completely different job. I know how you don't really

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