A Reunion

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-Emma's POV-

When I woke up this morning, DJ was gone.

As tired as I was, I pried myself from bed and went to look for her, but she was no where to be found.

I checked my phone and there was a message on it...

"Hey, I went to go get something. It's a surprise, so all I ask is not to worry, and be in the house at 3:00."

And that was the end of the message. It was only 12:00 so I decided to get dressed and treat myself to breakfast.

I went for a walk to a near by StarBucks, and got a coffee.

I just sat around a bit staring at my phone, and sipping my coffee, and then was on my way.

The beginning of the day went by slow, and there was nothing much to do, so I just walked around town and looked in some stores to get some clothes or something for DJ and I.

Finally it was 2:20, so I decided I would head back to the apartment and wait it out there.

When I walked up to our room, the door was slightly opened.

I whispered to myself, "did I leave that open? I must've forgotten to close it all the way... I'm the only one who has the key anyways..."

I chose to ignore the door, and plopped myself onto the couch. I turned on the Play Station and played Black Ops 3 for the remainder of the time I had till DJ came back.

When I got up to get something to eat, I saw a letter with DJ's name on it. I pondered about it, but then I decided to just let DJ read it when she gets back.

I heard rustling coming from the closet, and the paranoid freak I am, I checked it out.

As I slid it open, I saw someone and then jumped back and screamed.

"AH WHAT THE FU--" I screamed, but stopped myself as I realized who it was...

"Damian! What are you doing here? wait... WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY CLOSET!!?!?!" I asked getting louder and louder as I went.

"Shushhhhh...." He said, and he slowly came out. "DJ isn't here... Right?" He asked, looking around the room.

"No... She left a while ago, but she souls be back in like 15 minutes." I said. "But what are you doing here? You didn't answer me."

"I need to talk to DJ... I was wondering if I could take her out for dinner as an apology.... She.... I did some bad things..." He said, still looking around the room.

So that's why the door was open...

"How did you get in here?" I asked, looking at the door.

"I picked the lock. It's not that hard. As a prankster, locks are like the first thing you learn." He said getting cocky.

"Okay... As a prankster I would've thought you've been more quiet, and cover your tracks..." I said with a smirk.

"HEY! I WAS IN A RUSH!" He yelled.

"Heh... I was only kidding... Well, might as well make yourself at home. DJ will be here really, really soon." I said, opening the closet door all the way.

We sat down for a bit chatting, and then we heard the door open.

"Hey Emma! I'm back! Don't kill me, but I brought a guest." DJ said.

I turned around and I saw a familiar face. I stared for a bit, but didn't realize it, and then... It came to me... It was my sister!!!

Hey guys. It's DJ. I saw that I had this chapter unpublished, and finished, so I decided to publish it. Just a little treat I guess. Bye!!

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