Old Friends and New Ink?

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-Emma's POV-

Last night was amazing. I woke up to DJ laying on top of me, and a pizza box toppled on her. I got her up, and we took showers, got ready for the day, and then we heard on knock on our door.

DJ rushed to the door because I'm too lazy, and she opened the door, speechless.

"Emma," she stumbled, "Get over here."  I walked over and I couldn't believe who it was... It was Erin and Maddie!!

I gave them a quick hug and we welcomed them in. They haven't changed a bit.

I felt awkward, not just because they somehow found us after we ran away, but the place look awful. Pizza boxes, wrappers, crumbs... I'm just glad they don't mind.

"So... Why'd you guys leave?" Maddie asked.

"Cuz they were being jerks. Splitting us up, all because of Vikk... I've always hated him." DJ said.

"Oh..." Erin said, "I'm glad we found you!" She said

"But how?" I asked

"What?" Erin stumbled.

"How'd you find us, I thought we were hidden." I said

"Lots of looking around. Pete is here, so I knew you, Emma, would want to be here. Just went to shops to ask if they saw you and ended up here." Maddie said.

"You won't tell the boys, right?" DJ asked.

"They... Uh... They know," Maddie said quietly.

"WHAT?!? HOW!" I started to panic.

"they uh... tracked your old phones... but they don't mind..." Erin said

"Wait.. They don't?" DJ asked cautiously

"Nope. They said you are at the age where you should be on your own. I mean, Lachy Dachy is having a bit of a hard time, but I'm sure he will be fine." Maddie said.

"Good..." DJ said.

I went quiet.... "Lachlan misses me?" I stuttered, "but why?" I asked myself quietly

Nobody heard, that's a relief. I didn't really believe it. Like, at all. I love Lachlan and all and I'm so happy that he adopted me butttttttttttttttt it feels like he doesn't care about me enough to miss me.

"Guys, I'll be back in a few hours," I said while walking to the door. DJ followed, "Where are you going?" She asked. I wasn't going to tell her. She would freak. "Running.... To the gym. Yeah... I figured I needed a workout. So I will be back in a bit. DJ, you stay with Maddie and Erin. Get caught up with things..."

And just like that, I left. I went and took a quick walk to the tattoo shop. Considering I'm 18 now, might as well get a tattoo. I wanted something different, something that showed that I have changed. I entered the shop and smiled, this was a completely new thing for me. I've never been in a tattoo shop before and I didn't think I ever would. But then there is that one day when you want to try something new.

A guy came up to me, he had a lip piercing and an eyebrow piercing. I saw a few tattoos that looked pretty cool, there was a wolf on his left arm and a pair of wings on his neck. He looked pretty cool.

"What's a pretty girl, like you, doing in a place like this?" He asked, coming closer so I could see a few more tattoos and physical features. He had jet black hair and piercing brown eyes.

"I'm looking for a change. I need a new start, and I'm starting with a tattoo. Any recommendations?" I said

"A new start... Yeah. I got a couple of recommendations..." He said, walking away, but motioning me to follow.

He pulled out this big book... Full of beautiful tattoos. Then I saw it. Roses that crawl up my side, nice and bloomed, creeping on to my back... It would be perfect.

"This one." I said, happily pointing to the picture.

"The roses? Ok. That's doable. Follow." He said, walking away again.

He walked to a counter and I paid, it was around $250 but it was totally worth it. He walked into the back and I followed, he motioned me onto a table that had a pillow, I pulled up my shirt. Then it began. He started putting rubbing alcohol on my left side, it soaked into my skin, burning a little. He took out a new razor and shaved the area, getting rid of any hair. He placed a large stencil on my side, he grabbed a towel and put pressure on some areas and dabbed others. He peeled the stencil off, rubbed my side a bit, then started tattooing. Starting lower, then working his way up, and stopping occasionally to give myself a brake, and the gun a bit of time to rest also. It was tedious, but when is was done, it looked amazing.

They just rapped it up to protect it, and so I wouldn't irritate it. And the next thing I knew, I was on my way home...

But what is DJ going to say?

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