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I woke up and took in my surroundings to find out I was in my room. I tried to open my eyes but the light felt like needles in my eyes so I quickly snapped them shut. And this is why I don't drink. Hangovers are a bitch.
I heard a knock on my door, but to me it was amplified times a million.
"Who the fuck is it and what time is it?" I grumbled to whoever was waking me up so very rudely.
"It's Hannah and I'm coming in with water and a shit ton of ibuprofen, so shut the hell up and let me in you bitch." She said with some irritation clearly lacing her voice.
I sluggishly got up with squinted eyes and walked to my door where a annoyed Hannah was standing.
"It's one forty-five. I'm being nice now stop bitching."
I slowly nodded my head, that's all I could manage at the moment, and took the ice cold bootle of water and four ibuprofen from her and proceeded to try to get rid of this fucking hangover.
"Soooo. Did you and Calum fuck last night?" Hannah questioned with a smug smirk on her face.
I almost spit out my water from her bluntness.
"What the fuck Han? I can't really remember what happened last night, but no I definitely do not remember fucking Calum."
Hannah's face was a mix of happiness and disappointed.
"Well, what do you remember?" She smiled.
I had to think for a minute before I remembered what happened and then the blur.
"Um, well, I remember getting there, dancing with you and that's it." I replied while concentrating to see if I remembered anything else.
"Damn, you got shit faced, Bri." Hannah said while laughing her head off.
"You need to shut the hell up before my head explodes." I replied while covering my ears.
"Shut up, you'll be fine in an hour."
I replied by flicking the bird at her which only made her smile. I swear she enjoys to watch me suffer.
"Why did you come here?" I didn't think we had plans but usually she'll come here and we'll watch Netflix on my laptop and stay comfy the whole weekend.
"The usual. Get your laptop." She gestured for me to get up, which I begrudgingly complied to and got my laptop and we continued to watch random movies all weekend.

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