Chapter 8: Controlled Chaos and A Throwback To Good Times

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**Present Time**

**Carter's POV**

"Carter, Siana is all over the media. Soon you will be too. What are you going to do?" Keith asks looking at his phone shoving cereal in his mouth.

"I don't know. Dylan is coming over in a minute so we can try to work this out. But he's bringing Charlie so things may get heated." I sigh and he gets up and walks over to the couch I was sitting on. He pulls my laptop out of my lap and sets it on the coffee table. He puts his arms around me and pulls me closer.

"It's going to be okay." He coos in my ear and I can't help but feel calm and safe in his arms. Just then Siana came waddling in with her blanket, rubbing her eyes.

"Big bear.." She whines. He gets up and picks her up and sits back down with her. She sets her head on his shoulder and it reminds me of how she does the same thing with Dylan. Just then I got an idea.

"That's it!" I exclaim


I'll tell you when Dad takes Charlie to day care. I don't have much time to explain it because I have to be in to work at nine. With that I get up and take Siana to our bedroom and get her and myself dressed. Dad kisses my cheek and takes Siana out to the car. Dylan walks in the door as I'm straightening my hair and Keith keeps him busy while I finish getting ready for work. When I take a look at Dylan he looks exhausted. His hair's a mess and his sweatpants and t-shirt are wrinkled.

"Long night?" I joke and he slowly walks to the fridge and pulls out a water.

"I'm not a morning person." he sighs and plops down. Charlie follows and sits closely. She looks at me with narrowed eyes as if she's claiming her territory.

"So Carter had a bright idea earlier and she said she was going to wait to tell us all. So let's hear it." Keith looks at me expectantly.

"You never have been patient." I look at him and laugh. He winks at me and my heart flutters. "Well I was thinking this morning when I saw the way Keith was with Siana that to take all of the heat off of Dylan about having a kid and to bring down the noise about Siana we could tell everyone that Keith is Siana's dad. That all of this was a misunderstanding by an excited fan." I explain and Dylan sits up immediately.

"No way." He says, "Siana's my daughter."

"Yeah. Plus do you know what my parents would say if they saw that?" Keith shakes his head and sits back.

"Come on guys. I don't want Siana getting unwanted attention. She's two. She's already got anxiety when it comes to new people. Keith you're 20. Your parents don't control you. Please do this for not just me but for Siana, and Dylan." I plead

"I like the idea. I mean do you know the things people are already saying about Dylan and I? I'm his fiance and he's got a kid? They're saying he cheated." Charlie points out.

"I'll still get to see her? I'll still get to be in her life?" Dylan questions rubbing his nose.

"Of course!" I say. "Nothing will change the fact that you're her dad Dylan. Keith is just the cover up. He's going to control this chaos." I explain and everyone laughs.

"I'm in. But there are a few things that will have to be worked out." Keith looks at me and I nod.

"Me too." Dylan says and Charlie agrees as well.

"Good. Now I've really got to get to work. I can't miss anymore. Keith will you pick Siana up from daycare?" I ask and he nods.

"I can." Dylan looks at me.

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