Chapter 19: What Are We?

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"Good news!" My doctor walks in cheerfully holding my test results. "You're pregnant!" She chimes and my heart flip flops.

"I am?" My jaw drops.

"You are." Her expression turns to one more filled with concern. "Is that not what you wanted to hear?"

"Um I mean... not exactly. It's not bad. I mean it's good." I smile, my emotions mixed about this whole thing.

"I'll set you up another appointment in a few weeks to see how baby is doing and to talk about a prenatal plan. How's that sound?" She flips through my papers and scribbles some things down. I look up at her and nod slowly, now feeling a little dizzy.

"That's great." I smile slightly, still processing what I am hearing.

When I get home Siana runs into my arms crying for me, glad I'm home. Keith is sitting on my couch eating a bowl of popcorn and watching some sports game, presumably soccer. When I sit next to him he takes a sip of the beer he's drinking and I almost vomit at the smell.

"Carter can we talk about something?" He sets his bottle down and turns toward me, resting one hand on my thigh.

"Yeah, me too." I say, still dazed from the news I've recently received. "You first." I glance over at him and he seems nervous.

"We've been staying with each other for a few weeks now and we've been going on dates and just really getting comfortable with each other. I've just never made anything clear and neither have you. I just really don't want to be confused anymore as to what we are. So, Carter, what are we?" He asks and immediately my head began to spin.

"Uh, I, uh," I sputter. "I really need to lay down. You should go home for the night." I get up and lead him to the door. "It's nothing against you. I just need to get some sleep for work in the morning and I've got to get Siana to bed."

"It's five in the afternoon!" Keith shouts as I shut the door in his face after tossing his shoes onto the small balcony of my apartment.

"Siana let's take a nap." I smile at my daughter and she giggles while running towards the bedroom, trying to make it before I do.


My dad sets a huge plate of his famous spaghetti in front of me and my stomach growls loudly. It's been a few days since my doctor's visit and I have avoided everyone since. I decided to tell my dad tonight since he's the only person I know won't judge, or scream at me. Keith won't, but I'm sure he doesn't want to be a dad while he's still attending school. Dad finishes fixing Siana's and sets her in her booster chair, then puts her hair up so she doesn't get it in her food.

"So how's work going?" I try to make small talk between mouthfuls of noodles, avoiding the elephant in the room.

"Great! I am finally manager in the deli." His expression seems excited but his eyes expose the lie. Dad wants to do so much more than what he does. He wants to work in music. He's an amazing guitar player but his parents wanted him to settle down and find a wife. So he did. He and mom worked out for a while but she was just too uptight for him. I mean don't get me wrong he grew up in a wealthy home, but you wouldn't know it by looking at him. When he got out of the house he worked for everything he had except a few CD's and the guitar he had. Mom was poor growing up. She grew up in a trailer park and waited tables to get through college. But now she's a highly paid lawyer who thinks the world owes her something because of what she came from. Eventually dad couldn't take her anymore so he left her. Now she hates him and despises me because I'm unmarried and I have a child who, she thinks, is fatherless.

"So what was it you wanted to talk about sweet heart?" My dad swallows a mouthful and his eyes sparkle. "You know I got this recipe from your grandmother? Mom's meatballs are the best. Mine will never quite taste like hers, but it still tastes like home. Not a day goes by where I don't miss those Georgia sunsets and her cooking." He looks as if he's being taken into a flashback.

"Anyway, what'd you need kid?" He asks, coming back from his thoughts.

"Dad, I uh, I went to my doctor today and..." I choked on the words. I wanted more than anything to be able to tell my dad. But how was I supposed to tell my dad I was yet again pregnant? And this time with another man's baby! How was I going to tell anyone!

"Kid?" He looks at me expectantly.

"They said I'm having issues with my uterus. They need a closer look. I'm kind of worried." I ramble. It's not the full truth. But it is the truth. I think I owe it to Keith and myself to tell the father first this time.

"Oh okay. Woah. I seriously didn't think that's where that was going." His eyes grow wide in relief as he sips his coffee, making my heart sink a little bc i now have a sense of his reaction.

After picking up from supper and fighting my queasy stomach, I decide to finally turn my phone on. It overloads with messages from multiple people. I delete the ones from my mother and I check the ones mainly from my "love interests". Ever since dylan asked me to go with him, I have been reluctant to give him an answer. And the news of my now expected new child definitely seals the deal on my decision.

"Keith, can i come over for a bit?"

"Yeah, come on over. You're always welcome :)"

"Keith.. you asked me the other day what we were. And i couldn't give you an answer because i myself don't know. But I need to tell you something.." I try to prepare myself, and him, for the news. He looks at me eagerly, his blue-green eyes sparkling with anticipation. I can't help but notice the freckles framing his nose. Making him seem so much more innocent and sweeter with every sun kiss. "I went to the doctor expecting to get diagnosed with the flue, or a really bad head cold or something." I try to avoid actually telling him as long as I can. My mind is rushing at a million miles per second. I'm scared of how he'll react, and what he'll say. "But instead..." i choke a little "he diagnosed me as pregnant Keith."


carry on


ok so i can explain.

boy was my junior year hecktic. (did i spell that right? oh well)

i don't currently have a laptop rn. SO that's one reason i haven't updated. as you can tell by the MANY errors in the writing above, and here and below, I'm using my iphone to write. not the most convenient but ANYTHING FOR THE FANS.

i also haven't been updating for the second fact being i recently started working a lot and my mother has been kind of sick lately so i haven't had much motivation to write over sleep. BUT i will try my best to get the second book started AS SOON AS I CAN.



SecONd BoOK¿?

yep. SIANA JADE IS OFFICIALLY FINISHED!!! y'all the amount of reads is unbelievable !!! i love how much support y'all show! thank you all so very much!

but yes. second book, coming soon :)

y'all comment what y'all think is going to happen in the first chapter of the next book. also whoever picks the best name for the next book may be able to hold the rights of naming it :)

i'll respond to as many comments i can and i'll be sure to follow when i see your comment. i love y'all !!!

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