Chapter 12 Safe and Sound

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Something was wrong, I knew that much. I tried calling John but he didn't answer and that could mean two very different things. I wanted to contact the others but they were busy. Instead I sent a team out to go check on Blossom and the kids. I just needed to know they were okay...


I glanced at the door, "Yes, Morgan?"

He pulled his collar and looked around nervously, "Blossom Utonium is missing..."

My fingers tapped against my desk before I stood up, "Have my brothers contact the Utonium sisters and then have them meet me at my home."

He rubbed his palms together nervously, "Understood sir, but their's more you should know..."

I glared at him, making him jump and take a step back, "Get on with it."

"Your home, someone, we're assuming Blade, has set it up in flames.."

He jumped, eyes wide and skin sickly pale as two fire balls flew past his head, barely missing him as they burned holes in the wall. "We don't assume things here, we know them. Just do as I say Morgan." I snapped, before making my way out.

I frowned at the scene before me, my house was ruined, my wife gone and the kids had yet to be found.

"What happened, Brick?" Buttercup asked, she tried to put up a front but she was just as scared and nervous as the rest of us. You couldn't blame her though her family, our family was in there.

My phone rang and I answered it, "John, any word?" I asked, turning away from the others.

"The two kids are safe, but Blade does have Blossom, I'm sorry sir."

I breathed to keep my emotions in control, "Have them transported to the safe house, we'll meet them their soon." I hung up after that, turning back around.

"Brick?" Boomer questioned as he held Bubbles close to himself.

"The kids are safe," they all let the air escape their lungs, "I'm having them be transferred to our safe house."

"What about Blossom?" The Utonium sisters asked in unison.

I clentched my hands together, "Blade has her." The words felt like acid on my tounge. I turned away from the others, back to my house, "We need to leave. It's not safe out in the open, just because he has Blossom it doesn't mean he won't stop trying to kill us."

I took off towards the safe house, giving them no chance to answer, only follow behind.

Once we arrived, they let us through and they both had their little family reunions. Buttercup started to look around before facing me, "Where's Prince? He was dropped off as well..."

"Only Bailey and Brake were found..." I replied, "Why would he want Prince? He was the only one without superpowers.."

Butch went towards the door, "I'll get Mitch, Bubbles you go get Princess. The rest of you, figure out what Blade is planning." He took off, Bubbles following soon after him.

I had to think, their was something we were missing...I know John would never cross me, Blade may have the power to scare people but I have the power to destroy anyone I wanted. I was the nightmare no one could ever wake up from. I didn't care about anything but my brothers growing up and even then I felt like they were replaceable. I know it's horrible for me to have think that way but I was created to be the source of evil. It's kind of hard to change but I did, sort of...

I knew I wanted Blossom from the first time I saw her, I just didn't understand my feelings then. As I got older I realized how much I really did care for the pink eyed heroine. Blossom had my heart from the moment I laid my eyes on her and if Blade thinks he can get away with taking what's mine, he's got another thing coming.

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