Chapter 6 Suprise!!!

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Buttercup and I were in the professors lab while he did a few checks, to see why I was sick lately. I was sitting on a little infirmary bed, swinging my legs as we waited for the professor to come back.

He stepped into the little room with a smile, "I have good news and really good news. Which would you like first?"

"Um just go in order?" I answered, if their both good then I don't need to start with the bad news.

"Well you're not sick...." I jumped off the bed and buttercup came to my side.

"Spit it out professor, what's the really good news?" Buttercup was always impatient...

"You're pregnant!" I looked at him, frozen, all the air in my lungs disappeared.

"You're not joking us right?" Buttercup demanded, saying exactly what I wanted to.

He shook his head, "You're showing the signs and so far you're a month in!" I turned to buttercup and we hugged.

"Finally! Finally..." I cried, smiling so hard it felt as if my lips were going to rip. We left after Professor explained what I could and couldn't do and eat.

"What do you think it's going to be?" Buttercup asked as we drove to get something to eat.

"I don't care as long as it's healthy and mine..." I sighed with a smile.

"Well when are you going to tell brick?" She asked as we parked at Arby's.

"Tonight probably." I needed to make this special, this was a big moment for us, a very big moment.

"Probably?" She raised her eyebrow as we went inside.

"I need to make this special when I tell him." I explained and she nodded in agreement.


I heard the front door open as I sat on the couch with a little pink box behind my back, it had a red ribbon on top. Brick walked in and gave me a kiss, "How come you're still up?" He asked.

I smirked, "No reason, I have something for you." I smiled, not showing the box yet.

"And what could that possibly be?" He asked resting his hands on my hips and pressing his forehead to mine.

I kissed his lips softly, "Sit down." I said. He sat and I handed him the box making him raise an eye brow at me, "Just open it!"

He sighed and untied the box, pulling out two baby onesies, "Daddy's Princess and Daddy's little monster?" He whispered to himself, then looked at me then my stomach, "You're, finally, there's a, wha?" He got out.

I just nodded my head, "I don't know the gender or if it's twins or not because I'm just a month long." I smiled looking down at my tummy, my precious little angle was growing inside me right now...

Brick tilted my chin up, cupping my face and kissed my lips softly but passionately, "We're going to be parents..." He whispered with a smile.

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