Chapter 3 Apologize

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I looked over and Brandon from high school stared back at me. I was shocked at first but I've gained a lot more confidence since high school.

"Why are you here?" I asked, glaring at him.

"I figured I'd say sorry, I was a totally jerk back then, I acted like a pig." He said playing with his fingers.

I sighed, "It's fine, how'd you know I'd be here?" I wasn't going to hold a grudge, I could've stood up for myself back then but I didn't.

"I didn't actually, I was walking through and I saw you helping that little blonde girl." He said nodding his head towards Bailey.

"And you just choose to say sorry?" Okay maybe I still had a little grudge.

"No, I wanted to say sorry since senior year but your siblings, red eyes and his siblings wouldn't even let me get 5 feet close to you."

"Yeah, they're over protective but I love them. Anyways, I gotta get them home, goodbye Brandon."

"Wait Blossom!" He grabbed my wrist, "Can we have lunch or something, I need to make it up to you."

"I'll think about it." I said, then called the kids over, when break saw Brandon, he was over in a flash. Floating in front of my face, glaring at him.

"Who are you? My aunties already married and if you wanna hurt her you'll have to go through me!" He growled making me laugh and pull him into my arms.

"This, this is a friend from high school break, don't worry." I kissed his head and let him fly back to the others. Brandon seemed relieved, "I'll talk to you later, okay?"

"Okay, thank you blossom." I nodded and pick bailey up, hold the others hands.

We walked out of the park, we started walking home, while Bailey told how much fun she had. We were about a block away till I froze in place, blade was standing in front of my home just staring at it with a smirk.

I backed up, confusing the kids but my heart was pounding to loud in my ears, blade turned towards us. He blew a kiss to me and faded away, "Who, who was that?" Bailey asked clenching on to my jacket.

"No one important sweetie, lets go get you guys some hot chocolate." I replied and hurry and got us into the house.

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