Chapter 2 Ice Skating

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A few weeks had passed and blade hasn't made any contact luckily but brick was way more over protective. He always made sure someone was with me no matter what I said. Tonight was the one time he let me be alone.

I was on my way to the park and well technically he thought I was with Princess but I'm with Bailey, Brake and Prince walking to the park. Cold wind blew my fiery red hair back and baileys tiny blonde pony tail. We all had pink tinted cheeks, the kids because of the cold and mine naturally.

Bailey was wearing a baby blue skirt with thick cream white tights with ankle length brown boots and a big brown winter coat with white mittens. Her hair is just like bubbles, light blonde but had pointy ends like her father. Her eyes were huge dark blue, she was a beautiful little girl who had both her parents innocences.

Brake was wearing small black pants with a dark green hoodie, dark green converse and black gloves. His hair was midnight black and was done like his fathers, spiked up but he had his moms jade green eyes. He had both his parents toughness and Butches hyper ness but he was a cute kid.

Prince was wearing a black hoodie that say's, 'Prince Rocks', yeah father like son and black gloves. He was wearing small kaki pants with black hightop converse and had his fathers brown hair and his skin was tan but had his moms pretty shiny black eyes. He had cute little freckles but don't let that fool you he was a prankster with sass but if he liked you then he would be a soft teddy bear.

I was wearing tight dark Levi's, black boots that reach my knee that have a heel and bricks red hoodie, that reached my thighs. My wavy hair was left out, I had mascara and red lips. I had bailey on my hip, I was holding prince's hand and since I didn't have any more hands I had brake hold Prince's hand.

The park had an ice ring so we ended up there, I used my ice powers to make blades on the bottom of their shoes. Brake and Prince went right on, fearlessly but bailey held on to my hand.

"Come on bailey, stop being a girly baby!!!" Brake yelled as he raced Prince.

Tears came to her eyes but I knelt down to her size, "Don't worry hun, your mommy was scared to skate on ice too but I helped her, just like I'll help you."

"R-really?" She hiccuped, awww my heart melted.

"Really, really!" I kissed her forehead and took hand and went on to the ice. She was shaky but I just pulled her along, soon she was giggling as we made a figure 8.

A big smile came to my face when she started skating on her own, I went to sit down on the bench. I watched the kids play and race around the ring, someone sat besides me but they had a hoodie on so I couldn't see the face.

"You'd make a great mom." A familiar voice said besides me.

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