Drabble 3 - Fun with Polyjuice

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 "Alright Preston," Alice began. "What can we do with a vat of Polyjuice?"

Alice and Preston sat in the middle of the Ravenclaw common room, with a vat of Polyjuice potion that Alice made herself from the highest quality ingredients she could find: lacewing flies (stewed twenty one days), leeches, powdered bicorn horn, knotgrass, fluxweed (picked at full moon), and shredded boomslang skin.

"I'll be straight with you, Alice," Preston started. "I've only tried Polyjuice once and it was a horrible experience I will never forget. I don't want the same to happen again."

Alice walked over and patted her friend on the back. "Hey, you'll be fine." She paused. "What even happened last time?"

"First time I ever tried Polyjuice potion, I was with another friend in my third year. We snuck into the Defense Against the Dark Arts room, and both used hairs we thought to be each other's. However, my friend got it right, and well..." A long pause ensued as Preston looked at the ground. "Let's just say you don't want to see Hagrid in a third year's robes."

Alice was on the verge of laughing as she held her nose and rocked back and forth on the floor beside the green, gurgling, vat.

"I don't want you to feel bad or anything, and I don't want you to be embarrassed." Alice told Preston while looking into his eyes.

Preston could tell just by her voice that she meant every word.

"How about... I go first?" she suggested.

"Sure! But whose hair are you going to use?" Preston asked.

"Well... I want to try something." Alice walked away to her dormitory, and she came back with a small, clear case with a bunch of hairs inside. "We'll pick random hairs from in here, and see who gets who."

"Are there any bad hairs in there?" Preston wondered. "Any Hagrid hairs?"

"I'm positive that there aren't any Hagrid hairs in here. In fact, I know all the people that these hairs belong to." Alice reassured him with a giggle. The fact that she raised her eyebrow while saying "Hagrid" made Preston laugh. "I'll start first."

Alice poured the vat into twelve different bottles so that each one had it's own DNA – because once used, they stayed the same, no matter what else you added. She put a random hair in each bottle and had Preston mix them up.

The ingredients used to make the potion weren't that strong, so whoever the person changed into, they would remain that way for about five minutes. So when Alice took the first drink of Polyjuice, she quickly ran into the other room to hide the transformation from Preston's sight.

Moments later, Preston heard Alice from the other room. "Oh God. I'm hideous!"

Preston began walking towards her voice, only to watch his own body jump out from a side room. "GOTCHA!" Alice's voice yelled.

Preston jumped back and let out a nervous laugh, and patted his shoulder. Alice responded by hitting Preston's shoulder and laughing too. "You should have seen your face!" Alice continued.

Alice could tell that Preston wasn't enjoying himself, so she laid her hand on his shoulder, which sent a chill up Preston's spine. "Hey. You'll be fine! The worst one in there is Bert from Gryffindor. You know, that little third year that's always asking you questions about your 'fame'? That's the worst one, so if that little kid doesn't worry you anymore, then this should be a blast!"

Preston looked up and smiled, as Alice had already reverted to her original self. She looked down. "Wow. That literally lasted two minutes. And now it's your turn."

She hurried Preston into the back room, and handed him a bottle of Polyjuice. She shut the door behind Preston, and waited for him to finish.

Suddenly, Sam busted through the door, running rapidly towards the rooms.

"Sammy! What are you doing?" Alice gasped. "AND WHERE'S YOUR SCARF?!"

"Can't talk!" she yelled in response. "Running from Claire!"

Sam disappeared after climbing the staircase to the dormitories. The door to the back room swung open, and another copy of Sam walked out. "Hey Alice. So, how do I..."

All of a sudden, Claire dashed through the main door with a green and silver piece of cloth in her hand. "SAMMY!! HOW COULD YOU DROP YOUR SCARF!! IT'S YOUR FAVORITE THING IN THE WORLD OTHER THAN ME!"

"Claire! I'm not Sam!" Preston assured her while walking backwards away from her. "I'm Preston!! Me and Alice were playing with Polyjuice."

The Gryffindor placed her hands on her hips and shook her head at Preston. "Please, Sammy. You already tried that!" She dashed forward and grabbed Preston by the arm, dragging him back outside of the Ravenclaw common room. Try as he might, there was no escaping Claire's death grip.

Alice couldn't help but laugh hearing Claire in the hallway screaming, "PRESTON!" Said boy immediately returned with Sam's scarf wrapped around his face.

"ASHCBD AJDNNE." Preston sounded muffled with the scarf wrapped tightly around his mouth. He ran immediately up to where Sam was hiding, and Alice fell backwards laughing.

Maybe Preston just wasn't fit for Polyjuice.


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