Drabble 11 - Professor Duck

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"Ugh, I hate History of Magic," groaned the freckled Gryffindor as she strolled into the large classroom, clutching a textbook in one hand and throwing the other into the air. "It's so boring!"

Beside her, Preston shrugged. "Eh, it's okay. Some of the stuff is interesting, you gotta admit."

Claire scowled. "Yeah, I guess. But I'd still rather be skipping."

As they sat down beside each other in the front row, Preston lightly shoved his friend's shoulder. "Seriously? Remember what happened the last time you got caught skipping by the headmaster?"

"Don't remind me!" She shuddered.

Laughing, Preston turned away and took out a quill and some ink, parchment, and his textbook and began to organize his materials to his liking. Claire watched him idly, resting her head on one hand.

The vast amount of open desks was slowly beginning to shrink as Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs streamed in, giggling and chatting ceaselessly. Once nearly everyone had taken a seat, a professor Preston had never seen before strode in. He wore a stern look on his face, and Preston quickly decided that he didn't quite like this new instructor.

"Hey," he murmured curiously, glancing over at Claire. "Who's he?"

"You didn't hear?" she asked, looking surprised. "Professor Mancer's been really sick for a while, and he's finally taking some time off to recover. This dude's Professor Vlidel; he's gonna be teaching the class for the rest of the year, probably."

"Oh, well I hope Mancer feels – what are you smiling about?"

Claire smirked. "Well someone in my House found out that Vlidel's first name is Donald."

"Yeah, so?"

"So we've started calling him Duck – well, not the purebloods – and he gets so pissed whenever people mention it. And he freaks the hell out when people quack while he's not looking. It's pretty hilarious."

The corner of Preston's lip quirked upward in the beginnings of a smile. "That does sound funny," he admitted.

Before Claire could respond, a hard voice rang out. "Alright class, let's begin."


It soon became apparent that Professor Vlidel tended to pace around the classroom while he lectured his students, droning on about theories explaining how magic came into existence. Some students were listening attentively, writing down everything he said, while others looked bored out of their minds. A few were even asleep. Preston stifled a yawn as the professor turned his back to the class and began walking to the blackboard, when all of a sudden a sharp noise filled the room.


Immediately Professor Vlidel spun around, pale wrinkled face staring straight at Preston and Claire.

"Who did that?!" he snapped, eyes flashing. 

Before Preston could say anything, Claire gestured to him. "It was McDonald, sir."

"What? No way – it was Claire!"

For a moment the professor was silent, and then he said, "You have until the end of class to decide."

Preston felt his face heat up as Claire covered her mouth to suppress her laughter, which became harder to do when the Hufflepuff started glaring daggers at her. 

"You'd better tell him it was you," he whisper-yelled as the professor continued with the lecture, acutely aware of his classmates eyeing him and his friend.

"Alright alright, I promise I will," Claire assured him, grinning wickedly.


Before he knew it the period was over, and he and Claire hung back while the rest of the students in their class filed out of the room. One of his friends patted him on the back on his way out and wished him luck. Preston could have sworn he was trying not to laugh as he did so.

Once the room was empty save for the professor, Claire, and himself, Vlidel turned to face them. "Come here," he commanded.

They did as they were told.

"So which one of you did it?" Professor Vlidel inquired sourly.

Preston pointed to Claire. "She did it," he said... just as Claire replied with "he did it."

"What the hell, Claire?!" he nearly shouted, snapping his head to the side to see her pointing a finger of her own in his direction. Not to his surprise, she looked highly amused by the situation they were currently in.

"Silence, young man!" the professor cut in angrily. "You've both just lost fifty points for your respective Houses and you will serve two hours of detention with me on Saturday."

"Hey, c'mon man, don't you think that's a little extreme?" Claire exclaimed indignantly.

"That's sixty points from Gryffindor."


"Would you like me to make it seventy?"

She shut up at that. 

"You are dismissed."

Silently, the two friends went back to their desks, grabbed their things, and left.

"Well," said Claire. "That was certainly... interesting."

"I hate you. So much."

She laughed. "I know."

- AK

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